8 morning habits you need to get rid of stomach discomfort

Producer : Priyanka jaiswal

Editor: manish | 09-jan-2024

A healthy lifestyle can help you have a healthy gut. Here are 9 morning habits that can help you get rid of stomach discomfort:

1.Hydrate First Thing:

Start your day with a glass of water. Staying hydrated can help your digestion and can flush out toxins.

2.Eat a Healthy Breakfast:

You can go for a balanced breakfast which has fiber-rich foods like oats, fruits, or whole grains for a good digestion.

3.Include Probiotics:

You should have yogurt or kefir for breakfast. Probiotics are good for gut health and reduce discomfort.

4.Avoid Caffeine on an Empty Stomach:

You should try to avoid coffee or tea first thing in the morning. Instead, you can start with water or herbal tea.

5.Mindful Eating:

You should chew your food thoroughly. This can help in digestion and can prevent bloating.

6.Limit Processed Foods:

Avoid highly processed foods or the ones with a lot of sugar in the morning as they can upset your stomach.

7.Practice Deep Breathing:

Spend a few minutes practicing deep breathing exercises. This can help relax your body and reduce gut issues.

8.Set a Regular Wake-Up Time:

You must have a consistent morning routine as it can help your digestive system and is good for your overall health.

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