Best 7 cancer fighting foods

Editor: manish | 14-jan-2024

Producer : Priyanka jaiswal

Reduce the risk of cancer and have a healthy life ahead with these 7 cancer fighting foods. Add them to your diet today!

1.Leafy Greens

Leafy veggies can help your body fight and protect against cancer.


Nuts have healthy fats and antioxidants, which may help reduce cancer cells in the body.

3.Whole Grains

They have fiber and nutrients that can lower risk of getting cancer or escalating to further stages.


You can add legumes in your diet as they are good enough to fight against cancer.

5.Citrus Fruits

Their vitamin C and other antioxidants can help protect your cells from cancer damage.


Beets have compounds called betalains, which can help your body fight against any cancer.


Mushrooms can boost your immunity and thus may help you fight against cancer.

8 Foods that Can Protect you Against Cancer