A guide for lactating mothers: What foods to avoid during breastfeeding?

If you are a breastfeeding woman, you need to avoid certain foods that can affect your milk production. For healthy results avoid these foods:


Alcohol can pass into breast milk and can affect the baby's development. Totally avoid alcohol while breastfeeding.


Caffeine can pass into breast milk and can affect the baby's sleep and behaviour. Restrict caffeine intake while breastfeeding.

Spicy foods

Spicy foods can change the taste of breast milk and can cause digestive problems for the baby. Therefore, avoid it.

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits can cause allergic reactions in some babies. It is recommended to avoid citrus fruits while breastfeeding.


Peanuts can cause allergic reactions in some babies. It is recommended to avoid peanuts while breastfeeding.

Fish with high levels of mercury

Fish with high levels of mercury can affect the baby's development. Avoid fish with high levels of mercury while breastfeeding.

Soy products

Soy products can cause allergic reactions in some babies. It is recommended to avoid soy products while breastfeeding.

Dairy products

Some babies can be allergic to dairy products. It is recommended to avoid dairy products if the baby shows signs of allergy.

Click Below to know 10 Best Food to increase Breast Milk