How to cure GERD permanently?

GERD stands for gastroesophageal reflux disease. It's a chronic condition. In this, the stomach acid flows back into the oesophagus. You can get rid of it by:

1) Avoid trigger foods

Identify and avoid foods that trigger your symptoms. They can be spicy, fatty, or acidic foods. So, make sure to avoid them.

2) Opt for a low-fat diet

High-fat foods can worsen GERD symptoms. So, you should choose lean proteins. Go for low-fat options in foods.

3) Eat smaller, more frequent meals

Consuming smaller portions can help prevent excessive stomach acid production. It can also control the reflux.

4) Choose non-acidic fruits and vegetables

Opt for fruits like bananas, melons, and non-citrus options. Include non-acidic vegetables like broccoli, carrots etc in your diet.

5) Limit caffeine and carbonated beverages

These can contribute to acid reflux. So, try to reduce them from your diet. They do not have any nutritional value.

6) Avoid late-night snacking

Eating close to bedtime can increase the likelihood of reflux. So, give yourself a few hours to digest before lying down.

7) Stay hydrated

Drink plenty of water throughout the day. It can help maintain healthy digestion. This is good for health and body.

8) Avoid lying down after meals

Stay upright for at least 2-3 hours after eating. This can allow a healthy digestion of food. It can prevent reflux.

Click Here to Know 7 day GERD diet plan