Is rice good for weight loss ? 

Rice is an important part of a balanced diet. It is a versatile addition to your meals. In order to lose weight it is important to choose the right type of rice.

Brown rice Vs white rice

You choose brown rice over white rice to lose weight. Brown rice is high in fibre that benefits the gut. It has a low glycemic index that can help in weight loss.

Want to lose weight by having rice in your diet?

Here are some ways you can eat rice for weight loss and see positive results.

Portion control

As it is well said that excess of everything is bad. You must have portion control in your plate. Eat the right amount of rice for effective weight loss.

Make a balanced meal

In order to make a balanced meal with rice, you should pair it with the right foods. For weight loss, choose low calorie veggies or lean protein foods to pair rice.

Choose the right Cooking methods

There are a number of cooking methods for rice. Boiling or steaming rice is good for weight loss. It is better than frying or adding excess oils.

Frequency of consumption

It is important to keep the frequency of eating rice in mind. Moderation is key. You should have a variety of nutrients into your meals.

Click Here to Know Is Rice Good For Weight Loss