Top 8 foods to soften stool

Top 8 foods to soften stool

Ensure your gut health by eating the right kind of food. If you want to have good bowel movement in the gut and avoid constipation.

1. Prunes:

Prunes are known to have a laxative effect and can help soften stool due to their high fibre content. So, add them to your diet to relieve constipation.

2. Apples:

Apples, when eaten with their skin on, are the best fruits to soften stool in the gut. Apples are packed with fibre, and can help add bulk to your stool.

3. Kiwi:

Kiwi is not only delicious but also rich in fibre and natural enzymes that aid digestion and promote softer stool to prevent constipation.

4. Chia seeds:

These tiny seeds are a great source of fibre and can help soften stool when mixed with liquid, forming a gel-like substance to aid constipation.

5. Flaxseeds:

Flax Seeds are another source of fibre. They are one of the best foods to soften stool while ensuring gut health.

6. Lentils:

Lentils are one of the best foods to soften stool. They are high in fibre and can contribute to getting rid of problems like constipation.

7. Whole grains:

Foods like whole wheat bread, brown rice, and oats are rich in fibre. So, switch to them instead of refined grains as they can help soften stool.

8. Yoghourt:

When it comes to yoghourt, go for probiotic-rich yoghourt, as it can help with a healthy digestion, leading to softer stool and no constipation.

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