How to increase breast milk naturally?

You can increase breast milk naturally with diet. It does not have any side effects. You must have these top nine foods in your diet.

1) Oats

They contain saponins, which stimulate the production of hormones that increase milk supply. Oats are also rich in iron.

2) Fennel seeds

They contain phytoestrogens, which can help stimulate milk production. They are very versatile and useful.

3) Garlic

Garlic is a galactagogue, which can increase breast milk production. It contains various antibacterial properties.

4) Spinach

This leafy green is high in iron, calcium, and folic acid. It can help improve the quality of breast milk.

5) Fenugreek seeds

They are a popular galactagogue and can increase milk supply. They contain phytoestrogens for milk production.

6) Brewer's yeast

It is a nutritional supplement that is high in protein, iron, and B vitamins. It is also believed to help increase breast milk production.

7) Almonds

They are a great source of protein, healthy fats, and fibre. They are also rich in calcium, and improve the quality of breast milk.

8) Sesame seeds

They have galactagogue properties. It helps to improve the quality and quantity of breast milk.

9) Carrots

Carrots contain beta-carotene, which can help improve the quality of breast milk. They are packed with multiple vitamins.

Click Below to know Top 8 Indian food to increase breast milk