Top 8 Indian food to increase breast milk

Get to know about the top eight best Indian foods to increase breast milk. Lactating women should have them in their diet.

1) Turmeric

Turmeric Contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that can help with overall health and high breast milk.

2) Ginger

This versatile root can help with digestion and has anti-inflammatory properties. It increases breast milk production.

3) Black sesame seeds

Black sesame seeds are a rich source of calcium and can help with milk production. It also enhances the quality of milk.

4) Red lentils

Red lentils are Rich in protein, iron, and other nutrients. Breastfeeding women must eat them for high breast milk production.

5) Bottle gourd

Bottle gourd Contains fibre and other nutrients. Lactating women can eat this to increase production of breast milk.

6) Ridge gourd

This Indian vegetable is Rich in fibre, vitamins, and minerals. It can help to boost breast milk production.

7) Whole grains

Brown rice, quinoa, and other whole grains have fibre and other nutrients and can help with milk production.

8) Fennel seeds

They are very beneficial for high quality and quantity of breastmilk. Fennel seeds can be consumed in many forms.

Click Below to know these 10 dry fruits to increase breast milk