Best foods options for Gestational Diabetes

Best foods options for Gestational Diabetes

They contain a lot of fiber and have a low GI. They encourage regular bowel motions and assist in lowering your risk of diabetes type 2 and obesity.

Whole grains

Whole grains

Leafy vegetables and legumes

Leafy vegetables and legumes

While giving you and your kid the nutrition you need for a healthy development, it aids in blood sugar regulation.

Brown rice

Brown rice

Brown rice is a fantastic alternative to white rice because it has a little lower glycemic index and more vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants than white rice.

 Mung Dal Sprouts

 Mung Dal Sprouts

Mung dal sprouts and white channa sprouts are two types of dal sprouts that are high in protein and fiber.



It is advised for the treatment of diabetes and is believed to help with weight loss and bone health.



Lentils are a fantastic protein-rich, low in calories, as well as rich in folate and iron; and are known to significantly improve heart health.


Good bacteria are found in yogurt and curds, which are crucial for gut health at its best.

Chunks of soy

Chunks of soy

Isoflavones, which are found in soy, help reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Know more about Diet on Pregnant Women 

Know more about Diet on Pregnant Women 
