How to cure constipation during pregnancy?

How to cure constipation during pregnancy?

Constipation is a common problem during pregnancy. Get to know about the easy ways to cure constipation during pregnancy.

Eat a number of Fruits

Prunes, apples, and berries are excellent choices. They are high in fibre. These fruits can help soften the stool.


Include Vegetables

Eat veggies like Broccoli and spinach. They are great options. These veggies are rich in fibre. They can cure constipation during pregnancy.


Whole Grains

Oats and quinoa are high in fibre. They can add bulk to the stool. It can make it easier to pass. Thus whole grains can cure constipation.



You should eat Lentils and beans. They are packed with fibre. It will help your digestion. They are the best choice to cure constipation.


Stay hydrated

You should Drink plenty of water. It can help keep your body hydrated. This will promote regular bowel movements.


Stay active

Engage in regular physical activity. You can opt for walking or gentle exercises. It will help your digestive system.


Avoid straining

If you feel the urge to have a bowel movement, respond to it. You should avoid straining. It can worsen constipation.


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