Enjoy your Pregnancy with Best Nutrition Plan

Pregnancy Diet Chart

Pregnancy Diet Chart

Pregnancy is the most fulfilling and creative phase in a women’s life. It not only teaches a woman to be caring and responsible but also teaches how to care about herself, particularly concerning diet and nutrition.

Proper nutrition is the key to a healthy and happy pregnancy. it is during your pregnancy period, that the baby, whom you are nourishing with your flesh and blood, is an integral part of your body, and for the same nutritional intake is of prime importance. It is during this phase, that your nutritional needs are increased, both for supporting the rapid growth of the fetus, and also to supplement the needs of the body structure. As a result, pregnant women are suggested to follow a pregnancy diet chart that is more focused on providing the nutrients she needs.

Pregnancy food chart

During the pregnancy days, whatever you eat, counts. Whatever a mother eats or hates to eat, affects the growing child in her fetus. It has been found that besides physical development, the intelligence of the child, including his/her mental faculty largely depends on the diet and nutrition of a mother during her pregnancy days.

During the first semester, the diet chart for pregnant women says that she does not need extra calories. However, she needs more proteins, vitamins, mainly Vitamin B12, B6, and D, calcium, iron, zinc, and folic acid. It is a proven fact that a simple folic acid tablet during pregnancy can prevent severe neurological brain and spinal cord disorders in a baby. In addition to all of these, a pregnant woman at this stage of her pregnancy needs minerals, fatty acids, and substantial amounts of calories for the all-round development of the fetus.

As the pregnancy proceeds, more proteins should be incorporated into the pregnancy diet chart. During the last six months of pregnancy, a woman will need almost 300 calories more than her normal requirements. The pregnancy diet chart in the first three months should be designed by all the goals and requirements of a pregnant woman.

The choices of food in the pregnancy diet chart

A pregnancy food chart makes sure that you do not deter from eating healthy. The key is eating a variety of foods in a day.

  • Eat at least 2 to 4 servings of fruits.
  • Eat 4 servings of vegetables.
  • 3 servings of pulses and nuts.
  • 4 servings of dairy and dairy products.
  • 6 to 11 servings of bread and whole grains.
  • Limit the quantities of fatty foods and sweets.
  • Choose more fibrous foods like whole grain bread, pasta, cereals, rice, vegetables, and fruits.
  • Consume more foods rich in calcium like dairy and dairy products (1000-1300 mg).
  • Don’t miss on iron-rich foods (minimum 27 mg).
  • Choose foods rich in Vitamin C, such as oranges, strawberries, green peppers, papaya, grapefruit, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, and Brussel sprouts.
  • Choose foods rich in folic acid, like beans, chickpeas, and black beans. Try more green leafy vegetables.
  • Go for at least one food rich in Vitamin A – Carrots, sweet potatoes, beets, turnips, cantaloupe, and apricots.

Your Pregnancy : Celebrate with a Healthy Pregnancy Diet

When it is during your pregnancy – Every Bite Counts. As an expectant mother, you will love to or hate to eat, will affect the child developing in your womb, and you will need the help of an Antenatal diet chart.  It is because, it is not only the physical development of a child during pregnancy, but also his intelligence and mental faculty depends on the diet and nutrition of his mother during the pregnancy phase.

At the beginning of the first trimester of pregnancy, you might not need extra calories in your diet, but you will need a lot of proteins, calcium, vitamins, iron, zinc, folic acid, essential fatty acids, and minerals.

As your pregnancy progresses, the need will keep changing and adding. You will need more proteins and during the last six months of your pregnancy, a pregnant woman needs 300 calories more than normal. Your weight will also differ at the beginning of your pregnancy period and the last. The diet chart for pregnant women should be designed by these changes and needs during the different phases of pregnancy.

During all the nine months of pregnancy, a woman’s body goes through immense changes as it carries another life inside her. If you are in your starting stages of pregnancy or know someone, who has just conceived, here is your guide to a healthy living and diet chart for a pregnant lady.

These three phases in the life of a pregnant woman – 1st Trimester, 2nd Trimester, and the 3rd Trimester.

Week 4th to the 13th (The First Trimester)

The first day of your last period is the first day of your first trimester. This period is for the first 3 months of pregnancy (12 Weeks). In this phase, the fertilized egg divides into layers of cells and gets implanted in the walls of your womb.

In this phase, the baby grows very rapidly, and by the time it teaches the end of the 1st Trimester, that is the end of the first 3 months, it has already developed into a very small human being, called the fetus. This is a very critical phase for every mother and needs a proper and disciplined first month of pregnancy diet chart.

First Month of pregnancy diet chart

As mentioned earlier, this is a very critical month and is also very definitive. The type of food that you eat and also the quantities have tremendous effects on the newly formed being inside you and follow the best Indian diet chart for pregnant ladies in the first trimester.

. Hence, eat as mentioned:

  • Dairy: Provides the much-needed calcium, vitamins, proteins, and healthy fats needed in this phase.
  • Fruits: Rich sources of vitamins and antioxidants. Have a minimum of three servings a day.
  • Food rich in iron: Iron is very essential for a steady flow of bread. Oatmeal, dried fruits, beetroot, and beans are some.
  • Folate foods: Eggs, beans, oranges, potatoes, and broccoli are naturally rich in folate.
  • Vitamin B6: This helps you overcome the tendencies of vomiting and nausea. Nuts, bananas, whole grains, and salmon are rich in vitamin B6.
  • Sugary foods: You need to add 200 to 300 calories extra every day in your diet, and to do so naturally and healthily is to have fresh fruits, puddings, pancakes, and alike.

Second Month of Pregnancy Diet Chart

This month too is equally crucial, as the fetus develops and other parts of the baby start their first developments like the brain, nerves, and the spinal cord. Also, the circulatory system and the heartbeat develops. The diet you need to follow during this month in addition to the above is:

  • Proteins: This is much required for the development of your baby’s muscles and also supplies blood to your baby. Low-fat cottage cheese and fish are what you should include in your diet.
  • Calcium-rich foods: Calcium is needed for the ossification of the bones of your baby. Dairy products and leafy greens are good examples.
  • More Iron-rich foods: More iron is needed for a steady and good blood supply to the baby’s body. You may also be advised to include iron supplements by your doctor in this phase.

Third Month of pregnancy diet chart

This is the month that needs more precautions. Also, experiences of nausea, mood swings, fatigue, and instantiable hunger increase. This is the time of pregnancy, where the chances of miscarriage are the highest. This is the time of your pregnancy when you need to shoot your calorie intake and follow a pregnancy diet chart for women. You should eat plenty of:

  • Fresh fruits Add water, natural sugar, and anti-oxidants to your body, and the much-needed energy the body needs.
  • Carbohydrates: Carbs are energy boosters. Include sources of carbs like whole grains in your diet.
  • Meats: Meats are good sources of minerals and proteins. Cook them well before consuming.
  • Vitamin B6: Helps to improve your mood and relieves you from nausea. Eggs, citrus fruits, and leafy greens are good sources of Vitamin B6.
  • Folate: Broccoli, oranges, and eggs improve the levels of folate in the body.
  • Iron: You will have to continue taking iron all through your pregnancy days.

Week 14th to 27th (The second Trimester)

This trimester is your second stage of pregnancy and you should strictly avoid any complications in this phase. Eating healthy and following proper pregnancy diet charts is very important.

Fourth Month of Pregnancy Diet Chart

The fourth month marks the important milestone of the gestation phase. All nagging and awful sensations and feelings of nausea ceases in this phase. The baby starts showing signs of movement. As the body of your baby is developing rapidly, your dietary intake must have all the essential nutrients for his growth.

  • Food high in fiber: Green veggies and whole grains have high fiber contents. Eating fiber-rich foods helps you get rid of constipation in this stage and further stages too.
  • Fatty Acids: To avoid any risk of lower cognitive development, eat foods rich in essential fatty acids like freshwater fish, nuts, olive oil, and more. These are foods that have omega 3, 6, and 9.
  • Foods with iron: Helps in the proper development and growth of the baby.
  • Milk and milk products: Strong bones and teeth of the baby need calcium. Try and eat a range of milk products.
  • Fresh fruits: Fruits are essential throughout your pregnancy. They are good sources of essential minerals and vitamins that the baby needs for proper growth.

Fifth Month of Pregnancy Diet Chart

During this month of pregnancy, you can see your baby protruding out of your belly. This is the phase where you will find the urge to eat more pickles, and/pr something sweet. But, before you start eating left, right, and center, make sure that you follow a strict Indian pregnancy diet chart.

  • Whole grains: Whole grains are rich sources of iron, vitamin E and B complex, and magnesium. All this will aid in fulfilling the need for energy for you and your baby.
  • Increase your fluid intake: More you drink, the lesser are the chances of constipation. Also, add milk to your fluid consumption daily for added benefits of calcium and other micronutrients.
  • Protein-rich foods: Protein is perfect for your baby’s development. Meat, tofu, eggs. Cheese, etc. are needed in your regular diet.
  • Green vegetables: Spinach, broccoli, and other greens are much required to fulfill the body’s nutrient requirements.
  • Fruits: Adds glow to the skin and support the development of the baby with essential vitamins and minerals.

Sixth Month of Pregnancy Diet Chart

This is another month of full changes in a mother’s body. It is important to take proper care of your food intake and follow a dedicated Indian diet plan in pregnancy.  A diet full of nutrition is what you require at this stage. Focus on having the following foods:

  • Vegetables: Veggies aid in proper digestion and bowel movements. Moreover, they are rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Fruits: Helps you stay hydrated and supplies the body with much-needed minerals at this stage.
  • Carbohydrates: The bay needs a lot of pf energy in this growing phase. Give him what he needs with cereals, oatmeal, wheat, and more.
  • Protein: Proteins are the building blocks of cells. Legumes, eggs, milk, pulses, and other dairy products should be a regular inclusion in your daily diet.
  • Folic acid: Much needed for your baby’s developing brain. Consume foods rich in folic acid like pumpkins, cereals, flax seeds, etc.
  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C prevents bleeding gums, and helps repair damaged connective tissues. Have more lemons, grapes, and oranges.

Week 20th to 40th (The Third Trimester)

The last stage of pregnancy and also the most critical stage. This phase requires a very healthy and nutritious diet and the pregnancy diet chart for women.

Seventh Month of pregnancy diet chart

In this stage of pregnancy, the baby is going through rapid growth changes, and therefore, you need more energy in the form of calories to fulfill his nutritional requirements. You should include having:

  • Diet rich in iron: Important for the development of the baby’s brain and avoid any chances of your developing anemia. Beans, lentils, chicken, salmons, and spinach is what you should eat.
  • Diet rich in calcium: Calcium helps in shaping the baby’s bone structure and skeleton system. Chia seeds, milk, soy milk, and cheeses are good calcium sources.
  • Diet rich in proteins: Proteins aid in the healthy development of your baby. Include meat, poultry, eggs, lentils, and dairy products in your diet.
  • Diet enriched in DHA: DHA – A fatty acid that is good for the development of your baby’s brain. Walnuts, flax seeds, and fish oils are good sources.
  • Diet rich in fiber: Fiber helps you out of constipation. Eat more of green vegetables, fresh fruits, and whole grains.  

Eighth Month of Pregnancy Diet Chart

A healthy mother gives birth to a healthy child. As you are nearing the end of your pregnancy and preparing to give birth, nutrition holds the key. It is at this stage of your pregnancy that you will gain the maximum weight. Eat more of:

  • Iron-rich foods: Prevents any chances of anemia.
  • Vitamin C: Helps soaking iron intake in the body.
  • Essential fatty acids: An essential component of a pregnant woman’s diet at this stage of her pregnancy.
  • Green leafy vegetables: These are rich in fiber and provides your body with the much-needed essential minerals and vitamins at this stage.
  • More of bananas: A must-have for pregnant ladies. Is a rich source of selenium, iron, calcium, and potassium.

Ninth Month of Pregnancy Diet Chart

Now that you are in the final stages of your pregnancy and have strictly followed your pregnancy food chart month by month, you need to rest as much as possible and keep taking nutritious foods. Make sure you have:

  • More calcium-rich foods: Gives strength to the bones of your baby and you. Therefore, it is much required in this stage by you.
  • Iron-rich foods: The deficiency of iron at this stage can lead to serious pregnancy and birth complications.
  • High fiber foods: Constipation and excessive weakness is the last thing you would need at this stage of your pregnancy.
  • Vitamin C: Helps in proper absorption of in the body.
  • Folic acid: Helps your baby develop properly and aids in your pregnancy too.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

 1. How does age and height affect recommended weight gain in pregnancy?

Age and height can affect recommended weight gain as they can impact your body mass index (BMI). Generally, the recommended weight gain during pregnancy is based on your pre-pregnancy BMI. It is calculated based on your height and weight. Women with a lower pre-pregnancy BMI may need to gain more weight during pregnancy.
On the other hand, women with a higher pre-pregnancy BMI may need to gain less weight. Additionally, older women may have different weight gain recommendations than younger women. This is because age can impact factors such as metabolism and nutrient absorption.

2. Is it normal to lose weight during pregnancy?

While it is not typical to lose weight during pregnancy, modest weight loss can occur due to morning sickness or changes in appetite. However, consistent or significant weight loss should be discussed with healthcare professionals.

3. How does pregnancy weight gain affect the baby?

Adequate and healthy weight gain during pregnancy nourishes the baby’s growth and development.
It contributes to forming organs, bones, and other essential structures.

3. Can I continue dieting during pregnancy to avoid weight gain?

Restrictive dieting during pregnancy is generally not recommended.
Providing adequate nutrition for the mother’s well-being and the baby’s healthy growth is essential.

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