Dietician/Nutritionist for Menopause | Diet2Nourish

Dietician for menopause

Dietician for Menopause

Menopause brings a new set of health issues among most of the women. Finding an experienced menopause dietician is important. Do not hesitate in seeking the help of a dietary expert. Diet2nourish will provide all the information you are looking for in regards to menopause. Women often find it tough to adapt the physical and emotional changes that occur during and after menopause. The emotional and hormonal issues are only one side of it. With menopause comes a totally new way of gaining weight as well.

What is menopause?

Menopause is a normal way of aging process of a woman in stages of life. Menopause happens at the time when periods stop. It simply happens at the age between 45-55. The last period that leads to menopause is called the perimenopause. As a woman having menopausal time her system functions in the body start to change. Hence, hormone levels start to reduce. The hormonal imbalance may lead to a woman to store fat in the body. Nutrition consultant is very important at this stage of life for a woman.

What happens at the time of menopause?

At the time of menopause, a woman’s body can change into several ways. The symptoms differ from everyone. When estrogen levels decrease that time, your periods become heavy, irregular or there are chances of losing fertility too. There are several physical changes occur that include- losing of calcium in bones (that can raise the risk of osteoporosis), imbalance of cholesterol levels – that increases the chances of heart attack, high blood pressure (raising the risk of osteoporosis).

Some other symptoms at the time of perimenopause includes hot flushes, weight gain, night sweats, irritability, frequent headaches, poor concentration, and joint pains. These symptoms are majorly happened due to reducing estrogen levels. It may last for few months or some years. The severity of symptoms may vary for each woman.

Menopause dietician will surely help you to reduce menopausal symptoms. The dietician will ensure to offer you the best solution that will keep at bay the menopausal symptoms. By changing lifestyle and eating habits one can reduce the risk of menopause related issues. They are as follows:

  • Consume diet rich in calcium, Vitamin D, and magnesium. Increase a heart healthy food at least five portions of numerous colored vegetables and fruits.
  • Eat plenty of fiber rich foods, nuts (unsalted), peas, fish, and beans. Eat omega3 fatty acid- such as salmon, mackerel, and tuna and vegetarian sources like flax seeds and chia seeds.
  • Include plant-based foods rich in estrogens such as cauliflower, broccoli, dark berries, chickpeas, soybeans, green leafy vegetables, especially spinach and kale.
  • Reduce alcohol and caffeine consumption. This will help to control hot flushes. You can even take diet consultant from the dietician.

Yogurt, Cheese, Milk, Fish such salmon, mackerel, and tuna, Flax and chia seeds, blueberries and other dark berries, Grapes, Dark fruits like plums, Black tea, Chickpeas and other legumes, Soybeans or foods like tofu, tempeh, and soy milk can help to maintain the bones strength and help to minimize menopausal symptoms.

If you are facing with unwanted weight gain, bone health issues, body lean mass loss issues that happen during the time of menopause nutritionist for menopause is the right person to help you with this, so that women remain stronger and healthy permanently. Here we will look at the different symptoms of menopause, so that nutrition consultant helps and support to give you a relaxed life at the time of menopause.

How can a dietician for menopause helps at the menopause time?

Sure! Here are a few points explaining how a dietician can help during menopause:

  1. Personal Guidance: A dietician can help you with personal guidance. They give special advice as per your needs. It can help your body. They consider your diet and lifestyle. Then, help you with that.
  2. Nutritional Support: Menopause can bring changes to your body. A dietician can give you a balanced diet. It can have foods rich in vital nutrients. Mostly calcium and vitamin D. They can help your bone health. Also, they reduce the risk of other health issues.
  3. Symptom Management: A dietician for menopause can help you with symptoms with the power of diet. These foods are plant-based. They investigate your trigger foods. They can be caffeine or spicy foods. They prefer foods that may help manage the symptoms such as hot flashes. mood swings and weight changes
  4. Hormonal Balance: Certain foods can support hormonal balance during menopause. An expert can guide you with this. They can explain about foods rich in phytoestrogens. They are soy products, flaxseeds, and legumes. These foods may help you with some symptoms.
  5. Weight Management: Menopause can lead to weight gain. It can come with many changes in the body. A dietician for menopause can give you a plan. It can focus on a healthy weight. This is all with a good diet and physical activity.

Our eating habits put an impact on our overall health. Hence, its vital to take nutrition foods during menopause time. Take some time and consult to a certified nutrition consultant for a rapid solution. Dr. Priyanka Jaiswal says: “you should embrace menopause positively as a new life stage.” Anxiety, mood swings and brain fogs are common symptoms for menopausal women. Instead of thinking this as a problem as a woman you should consider as an opportunity to step into life’s new stage that should be enjoyed fully by contacting a consultant dietitian. If you want a smooth life during the time of menopause then seek guidance from a menopause nutritionist.

The best female nutritionist for menopause

When looking for a nutritionist to help with menopause, you can stop at diet2nourish. Here, you will find the very famous, Dr. Priyanka Jaiswal. But why is she the best choice? Maybe here are some reasons:


Do not miss your chances! Here is a known expert in women’s health. With her knowledge and experience in menopause-related issues, she is the best choice. So, get your bookings now.

Empathy and Understanding:

It is crucial to find an empathetic expert. Dt Jaiswal understands the challenges you might face. She can best help with changes that women go through during this phase. You can get a safe and non-judgmental environment here. With her, you can openly discuss your concerns and issues. It can comfort all women.

Personal Approach:

Menopause affects each woman differently. So, Dt Jaiswal takes a personalized approach. It is as per your needs and goals. She can give you a personal meal plan. It will work well for you.

Continual Learning:

She stays up-to-date with the latest research. Being in touch with all the developments in menopause nutrition, she can give good advice to her clients. This shows her commitment for the best care and advice.

Supportive and Encouraging:

Dr Priyanka is supportive of your health. She encourages you in your journey. You can make positive changes in your life with her motivation. She can give ongoing support to you. It can help you get to your health goals.

Holistic Approach: She takes a holistic approach to menopause nutrition. In this, she not only looks into your diet but also other lifestyle factors. They are stress management, exercise, and sleep. It can help your mental health too. This can help with fast results.

Nutrition for Menopause

What is the importance of nutrition in menopause?

Nutrition has a vital role in minimizing the symptoms and effects of menopause. It can support your health and symptoms. Here are some key aspects of nutrition:

Balanced Diet:

It is recommended for you to take your meals in the right proportion. It should include nutrient rich food. Your diet must be comprised carbs, protein, fibers, vitamins, minerals, and fats in appropriate proportion. Eliminate unhealthy food from your plate.

Vitamin D and calcium:

Consumption of calcium and vitamin-D makes bone healthy and strong. Dairy items, egg yolk and fortified foods contain calcium and vitamin D in abundance.


Phytoestrogens are present in soy, tofu, flaxseeds, and legumes. These are obtained from plants. They have an effect like estrogen.

Omega-3 Fatty Acid:

Omega-3 fatty acid is known for its anti-inflammatory activity. Hence, it curbs menopause symptoms. It can lower the intensity of menopausal symptoms. In addition, they can help improving heart health. It is beneficial for brain health. Fish, walnuts, chia seeds, and flaxseeds contain enough omega-3 fatty acid.


Monitor your water intake. Being hydrated can help with menopause. Adequate hydration can help with your symptoms. It is good for your health.

Limit Caffeine and Alcohol:

Caffeine and alcohol are two big red flags. Avoiding them can help with many symptoms. They are bad for your health. So, keep them out of your diet.

Regular Meals and Snacks:

You should eat regular meals. Opt for healthy snacks. All this can help stabilize blood sugar levels. It will give you sustained energy in your day.

Final words

Women in midlife face many challenges starting from hormonal changes that lead to muscle mass and bone loss, weight gain, digestive issues etc. well, with the help of a nutrition consultant you can begin a healthful transition during the postmenopausal years. A menopause nutritionist counsels the clients about the importance of eating nutrient foods that will help to burn your unwanted weight, can combat metabolic disease, and help to strengthen bone muscles. A nutrition consultant can help women realize that changes take place well in the body before midlife by knowing what to do beforehand and how to deal with the impact of aging. A nutritionist for menopause will guide you through the time of menopause. Every woman dreads the stage of menopause and the pains that she has experienced during that time. It is a painful period for several factors than one. The main reason though remains to be the unwanted weight that a woman gains during this time.

Menopause can be very frustrating time for many women. Hence, you can seek the help of a nutrition consultant for a rapid resolution. The most difficult aspect during this time can be solved by a dietician easily. Do not let menopause take away your happiness. Connect to a nutrition consultant for a healthy and happy life during menopause.

A nutrition consultant will help you combat weight gain during menopause. Dr. Priyanka Jaiswal is the best nutrition consultant, has been helping many women during their menopause time.

Frequently Asked Question

How do I lose weight during menopause?

Few calories required to maintain for weight lose during menopause. A complete fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein and dairy products diet may minimize menopause symptoms. foods diet high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, high-quality protein and dairy products may reduce menopause symptoms. Healthy fats such as omega3 will help you to reduce weight. Ask a Menopause dietician for a customized diet plan.

What is the best diet for a menopausal woman?

The super foods you should eat during menopause are- eggs, broccoli, berries, wholegrains, yoghurt, leafy green vegetables, chicken, green tea, soy, flax seeds, oat meal. A plant-based diet is always healthier than any other options in a point of view of a nutrition consultant.

What foods should you avoid during menopause?

The foods you should avoid at the time of menopause are- Processed Foods, Spicy Foods, Fast Food, Alcohol, Caffeine, Fatty Meat. Avoid foods that are high in calories. A nutrition consultant is the best person to help you with this diet.

Can a nutritionist help with menopause?

Yes, a nutrition consultant would help you with menopause in many ways. A dietician will give you the best advice when women are in their menopausal phase. The nutritionist will help you to manage all the menopausal symptoms by giving a proper diet plan. This will help a woman to reduce the health related issues during the time of menopause.


What are some common nutrition challenges during menopause?

During menopause, women may face certain nutrition challenges. Weight Gain is the main one. A dietician can help you with this. You can stay in shape even during menopause. Bone Health remains another challenge. Oestrogen levels decrease during menopause. It can cause this. A nutritionist can help you with this. Heart Health and bad cholesterol levels are also linked to menopause. A heart-healthy diet can help with this.

How can diet help in hormonal balance during menopause?

Diet can be a powerful tool for managing hormonal changes during menopause. A good diet that is rich Balanced macronutrients is vital. It should have carbs, proteins, and healthy fats. Your diet should have phytoestrogen-rich foods. Such as soybeans, tofu, flaxseeds, legumes. They can help you in menopause. It can help ease the symptoms in women. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in salmon, walnuts, and chia seeds. All these along with fruits, veggies, whole grains and legumes can help you. It is vital to avoid junk food, sweet food, drinks and bad fats.

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