Join the fight against dehydration: World ORS Day 2023 on 29 July

What is an Oral Rehydration Salt?

ORS- Oral Rehydration Salts It is a combination of electrolyte salts and sugar

What is ORS used for?

Rehydration salts like ORS are used to reverse dehydration. It can help replace lost salts. ORS is also used in case of diarrhoea

What happens on world ORS day?

On World ORS Day, organisations around the world work to raise awareness about the importance of ORS and how it can be made at home

Making ORS at home is very simple. You can make ORS solution at home with salt, sugar and water.

Purpose of World ORS Day

To create awareness about the role of Oral Rehydration salts in human health and saving lives

These salts are approved by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and UNICEF.

So let's all work together to spread the word about the importance of ORS on World ORS Day and beyond!

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