12 Best Hormone Balancing Foods

food for hormonal imbalance

Hormone Balancing Foods

We required hormone-balancing foods very much because the human body has a special messenger system which we call the Endocrine system. This system releases hormones into the bloodstream which functions and regulates all necessary system operations.

These hormones circulate throughout the body and manage our growth and development, control hunger and thirst, control body temperature, regulate our mood and emotions.

In the past couple of years, the changes in our lifestyle and bad food habits cause a disturbance in the functioning of the endocrine system and hence in the imbalance of these hormones. This imbalance in hormones can be faced by both men and women and can cause many health and clinical issues.

One of the biggest and most faced issues these days is overweight. This generally happens because of increased stress eating, fatty food cravings, sugar cravings, etc.

It is seen and believed that with proper foods and healthy eating, one can improve this imbalance in the hormones and can control and manage the health and clinical conditions. Many foods can help in boosting the proper functioning of our endocrine glands and hence regulation of proper hormone release and functioning.

From the following list of hormone balancing foods, you can choose your super-food to maintain your hormonal imbalance:

1. Seeds:

Eating a mixture of all healthy seeds will boost your hormone’s secretion in the body and the best option in hormone balancing foods. You can include one spoon each of dry flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, melon seeds, sunflower seeds, and sesame seeds. These seeds are rich in vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. You can consume them every day, any time of the day as a healthy snack.

2. Quinoa:

Second best option in hormone balancing foods is Quinoa. A very good combination of vitamins, protein, fiber, minerals, and antioxidants. With its good nutritional value, it helps in boosting the proper hormonal balance in the body.

3. Lentils:

Loads with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They also help in the maintenance and regulation of estrogen hormone in the female body.

4. Fatty Fish:

Fish is the best and easy option for hormone-balancing foods. These are the richest source of omega 3. They are also loaded with vitamins and minerals. These are not only great for your heart but also good for your hormonal functioning. Particularly helps in regulation and menstruation cycle and hence reduces PCOD/PCOS

5. Avocado:

In the past few years, this fruit has gained popularity because of its rich content of healthy fat, vitamins, and minerals. It is also a good option for hormone-balancing foods. People are eating it for a healthy heart but the fact is it also helps you manage your stress hormones, regulate your blood sugar levels, support your nervous system functioning, and support your endocrine system.

6. Sweet Potato:

A great combination of complex carbs and vitamins. These help in clearing out your liver and hence boost the proper functioning and regulation of hormones. Anyone who wants to detoxify the body while having enough energy can use this food to do the job.

7. Bell peppers:

These are one of the richest sources of vitamin c among vegetables. The vitamin c which is stored in adrenal glands is released when we feel stressed and used by the body. Hence these activities help in controlling and managing the hormonal levels in the body

8. Eggs:

They contain special vitamin choline, which helps in the boosting of the production of neurotransmitters which is essential for the proper functioning of our nervous system. Hence eggs are good for our brain health and development and memory. Since these help in brain functioning, this also boosts the hormonal balance of the endocrine system.

9. Nuts:

These are full of energy, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. They also are rich in antioxidants. Because of all these nutrient presences, they help in the functioning of the nervous system and endocrine system and hence regulates the hormonal balance.

10. Broccoli:

They are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals and hence helps in the regulation of estrogen levels in the female’s body. If consumed regularly, one can maintain the balance of hormones in the body.

11. Probiotics:

This helps maintain gut health and a healthy gut can impact the hormones’ balance in the body. Probiotics can help in the regulation of mood, anxiety, depression, controls inflammation, and hence control hormonal imbalance. 

12. Millets:

They are rich in fiber, minerals, and vitamins and support our nervous system. They also help in controlling blood sugar levels, insulin resistance factors, and control cholesterol.

One can include foods from the list and can get help in maintaining and regulating the hormones in the body. But if you are wondering which food will be suitable for you and how you can include them to help you better, you can always connect with the best nutritionist to help you create the best diet chart for hormonal imbalance.

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