Is white rice good for weight loss?

White rice is not considered ideal for weight loss. Have a look at the top seven reasons why you should not eat white rice to lose weight.


High in calories

White rice is high in calories. This means it can lead to weight gain if consumed in large amounts. So, avoid it for weight loss.


Low in fibre

White rice is processed. It is stripped of its fibre content. As a result, you won’t feel full. It leads to overeating and weight gain.


High glycemic index

White rice has a high glycemic index. This leads to a raised blood sugar level. It also causes increased hunger and cravings.


Lack of nutrients

Compared to whole grains, white rice is less nutritious. It lacks essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants for overall health.


Blood sugar spikes

White rice is rapidly digested and absorbed. This can result in spikes in blood sugar levels. It can slow down your weight loss efforts.


Insufficient satiety

White rice is low in fibre content. It does not provide long-lasting feelings of fullness. It leads to frequent snacking and overeating.


Portion control challenges

It can be easy to consume large portions of white rice. This leads to excess calorie intake. It slows down your weight loss progress.

Click Here to Know Is Rice Good For Weight Loss