Best Foods to increase WBC count after Chemotherapy

diet after chemo

Diet after Chemotherapy

Diet after chemotherapy is the most crucial part of treatment. The treatment for cancer comes with a lot of ups and downs. A good diet is always here to support you through it all. Know more about a post chemotherapy diet here.

You can get your personal post chemo diet too. An expert can help you plan it all. They will tell you about all the foods to increase wbc count after chemotherapy. It can help your recovery from the treatment. So, let’s dive into the basics first!

Basics: Cancer and chemotherapy

Basic of Chemo

Cancer is a grave concern. This disease has rapidly taken over the world. Chemotherapy is a common treatment for cancer. It uses drugs to kill cancer cells or stop them from growing.

During this, medicines are given by an IV or orally. The drugs travel in the body. They target the cancer cells in the body.

The goal of chemotherapy is to help shrink tumours. It works to control cancer growth. The main aim is to eliminate cancer cells.

It is done in cycles. There are breaks in between. It can allow the body to recover. With a good diet after chemotherapy, you can heal well.

Chemotherapy side effects

Chemotherapy side effects

Here are some side effects that you might notice. A good diet after chemotherapy can help you with them.

1.   Hair loss:

Many chemotherapy drugs go hard on hair. They can cause hair loss. It may be temporary or permanent.

2.   Nausea:

It can affect the digestive system. This leads to nausea. Sometimes, it comes with vomiting. Thus, the right diet is crucial. It has the food for chemo patients with nausea.

3.   Fatigue:

This is a common side effect of chemotherapy. It can range from mild to severe. A chemo nutrition diet can help you with this.

4.   Changes in appetite:

Chemotherapy can affect your taste buds. It can lead to changes in appetite. This can lead to weight loss.

5.   Mouth sores:

Chemotherapy drugs can cause mouth sores and ulcers. It makes it hard to eat or drink. 

6.   Digestive issues:

Loose motions or constipation may occur. Thus, a diet after chemotherapy can help you with it. So, go for it!

Why is your diet after chemotherapy crucial?

After chemotherapy, your diet plays a crucial role. It can help your body recover. Diet is the best way to regain strength.

A good diet can help your immunity. For this, you can know about the foods to increase wbc count after chemotherapy. They can help you get better.

It’s vital to focus on foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. You should eat  vegetables and fruits to eat after chemotherapy.

They are rich in fibre. whole grains, proteins, and good fats are also crucial. It will help you.

You can see a dietician for a post chemo diet. They can help you with your chemo symptoms. You can get your personal diet after chemotherapy.

Best foods for a diet after chemotherapy

Get to know all the foods to eat after chemo. They will help you heal fast. With a proper diet, you can get the best results. Fight all the symptoms of chemo with this post chemotherapy diet.

1)   Fruits and vegetables

They are rich in many nutrients. You should add a variety of colourful veggies to your diet. There are many fruits to eat after chemotherapy. Bananas, melons, peaches, pears and apples are some of them.

2)   Plant based proteins

Protein is the building block. Your diet should have lean proteins. It can help your recovery. So, eat legumes, beans, nuts and seeds. You can eat lean cuts of meat, chicken and eggs too. They make a good diet after chemo treatment.

3)   Good fats

Start cooking in olive oil. It has good fats which can help your body. Other sources include nuts, avocados, seeds etc. They are vital for a chemo patient diet.

4)   Healthy carbs

When talking about carbs, go for unprocessed foods. They make a good after chemo diet. It will help you gain back the lost weight.

Some sources of good carbs

  • Quinoa
  • Bran
  • Whole wheat
  • Oats

5)   Dairy products

You should go for low fat dairy. It is rich in calcium, proteins and low in fats. This is the kind of food that can help you after chemo. It is an important part of diet after chemo treatment.

Foods to avoid for a chemo patient diet

When it comes to a diet after chemotherapy, you should see this. Here you’ll find the worst food to avoid after chemotherapy. They can mess up your recovery. So avoid them :

●     Raw foods:

They can cause foodborne illnesses. So, it is best to avoid raw or undercooked meats, eggs, and seafood. Unpasteurized dairy products are also bad.

●     Processed and cured meats:

Avoid such meats. It includes deli meats, sausages, and hot dogs. These meats have many preservatives and additives. They can be harsh on the digestive system.

●     Sugary foods and drinks:

High sugar foods and drinks can cause inflammation in the body. It may weaken the immune system. So, limit your intake of sugary snacks, sodas, and juices.

●     Fried and greasy foods:

These can be heavy on the stomach. It may cause discomfort or nausea. You should go for lighter cooking methods. Such as grilling, baking, or steaming instead. It is good for the diet after chemotherapy.

●     Spicy and acidic foods:

Say no to Spices and acidic foods. Acidic foods can be hard on the body. It includes citrus fruits, tomatoes, and vinegar. They can worsen your symptoms.

Lifestyle changes that can help

Diet after chemotherapy can help you heal. And some good lifestyle changes can help you heal faster. So, here are some of them that you can follow:

1.   Eat a balanced diet:

You should eat a variety of nutrient rich foods. Such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, proteins, and healthy fats. This gives your body the nutrients for recovery.

2.   Stay hydrated:

Drinking plenty of water is vital. It can help with digestion. Staying hydrated is good for your health.

3.   Watch your portion sizes:

Watch your portion sizes. You should try to eat smaller, more frequent meals. This can help your digestion. It can maintain the energy levels of your body.

4.   Limit processed foods:

Minimise your intake of processed and packaged foods. They have additives and preservatives. You should go for whole, fresh foods.

5.   Listen to your body:

You should pay attention to what your body says. And how different foods make you feel. If certain foods cause discomfort, try to avoid or limit them.

6.   Expert advice:

Get yourself some expert advice. A dietician for chemotherapy can help you with this. They can plan your Diet after chemotherapy. An expert will track your progress. This will help you do better.

Planning your chemo nutrition diet

Fighting cancer is not enough for you brave soldiers. You must get over all the symptoms of chemo. They can be a little harsh on your body. For that, you can get a proper plan.

A dietician can help you with a proper meal plan. It can help you recover in a healthy and sustainable way. They make sure your body gets all the vitals.

The diet after chemotherapy gives you the right amount of calories. It is as per your body type and illness. This will ensure you recover and stay healthy. It is good for the long run.

Frequently asked questions

Will a chemo patient diet help me put on weight?

A dietician can help you gain weight. The diet after chemotherapy is rich in nutrients. It has good fats. Thus, you can get a meal plan. It will take into account your nutritional needs. If you want to gain weight, you get a healthy diet plan.  

How can a diet after chemotherapy boost my immunity?

The after chemo diet can help strengthen your immune system. It has all crucial nutrients. They can support the body function. The diet has foods to increase wbc count after chemotherapy. It will improve your immunity. So, it is best to go for a good meal plan for improved immunity.

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