Switch to a healthy diet with this low sodium diet menu

1) Early Morning Drink

● A glass of water ● A cup of Herbal tea

2) Breakfast

● Oatmeal with fresh fruit and cinnamon ● Masala omelette made with egg whites, onions, tomatoes and coriander

3) Morning Snack

●  Apple slices or a medium sized pear

4) Lunch

● Grilled chicken breast with lemon and herbs ● Lentil soup ( dal) with one roti ● vegetable salad with olive oil and vinegar dressing

5) Afternoon Snack

●  Carrot sticks with hummus

6) Dinner

● Cooked cauliflower vegetable ● Steamed rice ● Steamed green beans with garlic and lemon

7) Post Dinner Beverage

● Sparkling water with a splash of cranberry juice

8) Dessert

● Fresh berries with a dollop of whipped cream or a drizzle of honey

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