How to Reduce Urea Levels in Blood Naturally

How to reduce blood urea by diet

How to Reduce Blood Urea ?

Blood in our bodies is an important fluid that runs through our heart, arteries, capillaries, and veins, carrying oxygen and all the necessary nutrients to the cells in our body. Along with it, blood also carries the wastes produced by metabolism, the most crucial of which is the carbon dioxide, from the tissues to the organs, from where these wastes are expelled from the body. It is why many of us often worry about how to reduce blood urea?

But aging and often mainly because of increased consumption of dietary proteins results in increased urea production in our body. This increased production of urea may cause plasma/serum urea in our blood to rise.

This area is a waste product produced due to the breakdown of proteins by the liver. It carries through our blood, is filtered out by our kidneys, and is removed from the body through urination. But, if your liver isn’t healthy, the proteins may not get broken down the way they should be by the liver. And, if your kidneys aren’t healthy, the same may not get properly filtered out. Either of the two could lead to changes in the amount of blood urea in the body, resulting in certain health problems like:

  • Frequent need to urinate
  • Pain in the joints and bone
  • Muscle cramps
  • Restless legs while sleeping
  • Itchiness
  • Fatigue, and
  • Swelling in the arms and legs
  • Loss of appetite

Why are high blood urea levels bad?

Elevated levels of urea in your blood could have some adverse health impacts. A high concentration of blood urea may lead to oxidative stress in the cells. High blood urea also indicates increased protein breakdown, which can further be associated with decreased immune functioning. Studies indicated that high blood urea levels also indicate increased risks of infections.

High blood urea levels have also been associated with an increased risk of strokes during heart surgeries, and many adverse outcomes in patients with heart failures and other heart problems. Blood urea can even lead to decreased renal functions and other kidney functionalities.

How to reduce blood urea?

First and foremost, you must seek medical assistance if you have the above-mentioned symptoms to find out the underlying cause of your high blood urea levels. You may be advised by your doctor to undergo certain medical tests to determine the range of your blood urea for better diagnosis and treatment.

Diet and Blood Urea : How to reduce blood urea by diet?

We all have some amounts of urea in our blood. But, for those, whose levels are too high, there are chances of some malfunctioning in some of the body parts, and due to this, the body is unable to remove the excess urea effectively from the body. This urea further builds up in the liver, forming a higher concentration of urea in the blood, creating problems in the kidneys and various other internal organs. In such a situation, one of the most effective ways to get back your life on track and get support for your organs is to administer certain strict dietary changes:

1. Reduce your proteins intake considerably

When your kidneys are damaged, they are not in a condition to filter the protein properly. Avoid taking high-protein foods like fish, red meats, beans, nuts, grains, and dairy.

2. Consume more alkaline vegetables

Alkaline vegetable

Alkaline vegetables like carrots, potatoes, Chinese cabbage, and others help in neutralizing the urine and reducing the impacts of high blood urea levels.

3. Consume certain foods

Certain foods like cucumber, red bell pepper, lemons, turmeric, and cinnamon, are known for their properties of reducing creatinine and urea. However, it will be best to consult a medical professional and seek the help of an expert dietician on the same.

4. Drink plenty of water and always stay hydrated

Drink Water

Dehydration can lead to reduced blood volume and increased blood solutes including urea, thereby, elevating your blood urea levels. Drinking more and more water frequently will increase your frequency of urination, and as a result, more urea and creatinine will be eliminated from the body.

5. Eat more fibers


Fiber has been found to significantly reduce the creatinine and urea levels in people with certain chronic kidney ailments. Get more fiber through foods like fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains.

6. Cut down on your salt intake


Excessive consumption of salt is the culprit for developing high blood pressure. Processed foods in particular are overloaded with salts like phosphorus and sodium, which in turn causes many renal issues. Consider more whole and unprocessed foods and make use of herbs and spices to flavor your food, instead of salt.

7. Avoid smoking and reduce your alcohol intake

No Alcohol
No Alcohol

Smoking is as it is a risky activity that can adversely damage your lungs and increase the chances of developing chronic kidney diseases. alcohol consumption on the other hand is very tricky when it concerns your kidney health. Excessive consumption of alcohol and potentially damage your kidneys permanently, and lead to high blood pressure and alcohol dependency.

Excessive blood urea and creatinine can be an indication of some serious health conditions. Talk to your health care provider and seek his advice on how to reduce blood urea and creatinine. Treatment through diet is always an important aspect of the care of all people suffering from kidney diseases. it is very important to consult with your dietician and discuss your individual needs on your blood urea and creatinine diet.

Here is an overview of the blood urea / renal diet and what you can expect out of it. You just remember that we all have different dietary needs, and hence it is important to start such diets only under the strict guidance of an expert dietician.

A healthy and well-balanced diet contains a proper mix of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, and vitamins. It is very important that your diet is well-balanced and varied to bring out the best in your health.

Some of the main functionalities of our kidney that relates to our diet are:

  • Proper excretion of all the waste products from the body.
  • Proper control of fluid volume in our body, and
  • Proper control of the blood pressure.

When we consume foods and drinks, our bodies use all that is needed and the rest of the food is turned into waste products, which are excreted as urine. When our kidneys are not functioning properly, these wastes inside our body can be built up in the blood and cause various complications.

The Low Protein Diet : How to reduce blood urea and creatinine?

Early Morning 1 glass cucumber juice or 1 glass fenugreek water
Breakfast 2 rice idlis + ½ sambhar+1/2 coconut chutney
Mid-Morning Snack 1 cup apple Or 1 cup of herbal tea with wheat biscuits
Lunch 1 cup rice+ ½ cup moong dal+ ½ cup capsicum sabzi Or1 cup rice + ½ sambhar with vegetables+ onion slices
Evening Snack Homemade clear vegetable soup Or 1 cup poha
Dinner 2 wheat roti+ ½ bhindi sabzi
Bed time Warm water

A diet low in proteins is less strenuous on our kidneys. Therefore, such a diet is always the best bet for people with kidney issues. When we eat protein, our body produces a compound called urea. If our kidneys are damaged or are not functioning properly, the urea stars building up in our blood and can cause continuous fatigue and loss of appetite.

People with high blood urea levels and kidney problems will have to follow a low-protein diet for a long. Such kind of diet restricts the intake of high-protein foods and focuses on eating plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, and healthy fats. People not suffering from kidney issues or high blood urea are generally not recommended such diets, as it may also lead to nutrition deficiency and many other health issues. Always seek the advice of an expert dietician and healthcare professional before you opt for such a diet plan.

1. Foods that you can eat to reduce blood urea and creatinine levels

  • Foods low in protein: fruits (no dry fruits), vegetables (no peas, beans, and corns), healthy fats (olive oil and avocados), and various herbs and spices.
  • Foods that can be consumed in moderation:  tea and coffee, sugar, candies, mayonnaise, butter, and sauces and dressings.
  • Foods with moderate protein content: breakfast cereals, bread, pasta, oats, rice, and corn.

2. Foods to avoid to reduce blood urea and creatinine levels

  • Foods high in protein: meat, poultry, fish and shellfish, dairy including milk, cheese, and cream, soy foods, peas, beans, lentils, and gelatin.
  • Food is an essential component of our overall health. It is not just a fuel that makes our bodies run. What we choose to eat, forms the building blocks of our health. We are really what we eat. Hence, it is the food that we eat, that can and does, affects of health.
  • When we have certain health issues like high blood urea levels and problematic kidneys, the best way to feel better and protect the vital organs from further damage is to take a thorough look at what we choose to eat.
  • Foods close to nature like vegetables, fruits, beans and peas, nuts and seeds, whole grains, and naturally fed meats are the best for our body. Foods coming in cans, jars, and boxes are processed and have a lot of chemicals, preservatives, and fillers and are best avoided.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Question:
How to reduce blood urea by a diet low in carbs?

You can eat a diet that is low in carbs to reduce blood urea. Such a diet can help minimise the breakdown of proteins. This minimised breakdown can lead to a low urea production. It will lead to a lower blood urea level in the body. Thus, a low carb diet can help you lower urea.

2. Question:
What are some low protein foods to lower bun levels?

You can lower your BUN levels by eating foods that are low in proteins. For this, you can add some low-protein foods in your diet. Such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. These foods are lower in protein content as compared to animal-based sources. You can make a balanced diet chart that has low protein foods.

3. Question:
Which is the best tea for a urea reducing diet?

For a urea-reducing diet, you can drink herbal teas for best results. Dandelion tea and nettle tea are the best herbal teas to reduce urea. These teas have diuretic properties. It can help flush out waste products through frequent urine from the body. These teas have zero calories. So, add them to your diet for instant relief.

4. Question:
What is the best diet to reduce urea in blood?

The best diet that can help reduce urea in the blood is a balanced diet. It must have low protein and low healthy carbs. In addition, you should drink plenty of water in this diet. The diet includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. For better results, you can go see a dietician. They can give you a special diet chart for the same.

5. Question:
How much water should I Drink if I want to reduce blood urea ?

You can lower your blood urea levels by drinking plenty of water. Staying hydrated is very important. It can help flush out waste products from the kidneys. This can flush out urea in the body through urine. You can drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day. It will keep you hydrated and flush urea making you healthy.

6. Question:
What role does fibre play in reducing blood urea?

Fibre is a crucial component of a balanced diet. It plays an important role in reducing blood urea. This is because it can help the absorption of protein. When you have enough fibre in your diet, it can indirectly help reduce urea levels. Fibre acts as a bulking agent for a healthy bowel. By supporting proper digestion and elimination, fibre helps the body eliminate waste products. They include urea. So you should eat fibre-rich foods. They are whole grains, fruits, and vegetables for reducing blood urea levels with diet.

7. Question:
Can herbs assist in reducing blood urea?

Some herbs are known to have beneficial effects on kidney function. Kidney is one of the organs that are related to blood urea. For example, cinnamon is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It can help improve kidney function. You can use dandelions. It acts as a diuretic. It keeps the kidneys clear of waste. It effectively flushed out urea. These herbs are a good choice for your diet to reduce blood urea.

8. Question:
Can bread increase blood urea?

It depends on the type of bread you are eating. Some types of bread can have higher protein content. They are made with enriched flour or added protein. These breads can increase urea levels. However, you should eat bread in moderation. Eat it as part of a balanced diet.

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