The Science of Doing Intermittent Fasting in the Best Way

Intermittent Fasting Diet Plan Indian 

Forget the toxic ways to lose fat and switch To an intermittent fasting diet plan Indian. It is the best way to shake off those extra bags on your body. In this case, you have an eating window. Here, you can eat good food. Then, you have a fasting window. In this, you have to fast or not eat anything. The research says, it is a great way to lose fat while nourishing your body. In addition, fasting has a number of perks. It can help you in many ways apart from losing weight. Get to know all of them here!

As per experts, fasting is good for insulin sensitivity. It can help your cells repair, and boost brain function. You can set up your fasting and eating Durations as per your choice. It will be your way to your dream body with good food.

What is Intermittent Fasting?

 Intermittent fasting diet plan Indian is all you need. It has periods of fasting and eating. You can rather call it an eating pattern instead of a strict diet. During the fasting periods, you do not eat calories. This allows your body to enter a fasting state. It will help you burn fat.

One such plan is the 16:8 method. Here, you fast for 16 hours. Then, you can have an 8-hour eating window. Another one is the 24-hour fast. You have to do it twice a week. The entire concept revolves around taking fasting breaks after eating. It will help you stay in shape and eat good. You have to avoid some foods. This is because they can mess up your calorie count.

Methods of intermittent fasting

You can learn about the best Intermittent fasting diet plan methods here.

●      16:8 Intermittent fasting

This is also called the Lean gains protocol. According to this intermittent fasting diet plan you have to skip breakfast and till 8 hours you should restrict eating duration. For example, if you eat between 1 to 9 pm but then you will not eat for 16 hours.

●      5:2 diet

As per this, you have to eat for five days straight. Then, your calorie intake should be from 500 to 600 for two days in the week.

●      Eat, fast, eat

As per this plan, you have to fast for 24 hours, once or twice a week. Then eat regularly on non-fasting days. With this, you can reduce your calorie intake. This will lead to weight loss. Don’t eat fast food and stick to your eating method. This kind of diet plan is because it’s more sustainable, simple, and easy to follow.

Know the Benefits of Intermittent Fasting Diet Plan Indian

The impact of intermittent fasting are positive and powerful. It also helps you to live a long and healthy life. Below mentioned are some of the benefits of intermittent fasting diet plan Indian.

Intermittent Fasting plan minimises insulin resistance. It helps to decrease blood sugar levels by up to 6%. Fasting insulin levels are reduced by up to 31%. This will combat type 2 diabetes.


    • This fasting plan works as anti-ageing.

    • It enhances brain power.

    • The diet plan will help Your cholesterol. It is good for stable blood sugar. This will help your insulin resistance, and blood triglycerides. All of them are risk factors that can lead to heart diseases.

    • It will reduce Inflammation.

    • It is beneficial to lose weight.

Diet Plan to Lose extra bad fats

By eating meals in a pattern, you can look after your calorie intake. This can lead to weight loss. Intermittent fasting diet plan Indian helps you burn fat and burn calories.

A seven day meal plan for the intermittent fasting schedule:

Intermittent fasting is a unique way of fat loss. It can help create a calorie deficit. This can lead to weight loss and other health perks.

Different methods suit different lifestyles. There are different types of fasting. The difference lies in their fasting and eating windows. So, finding what works best for you is key. Let’s dive into it together!

14:10 intermittent fasting 16:8 intermittent fasting

Day 1:
10 AM- Overnight oats with fruits and nuts.
1 PM – A handful of mixed nuts.
2 PM – Grilled chicken with mixed vegetables and brown rice.
5 PM – Greek yoghurt with a sprinkle of chia seeds.
7 PM- Lentil soup with a side of whole grain bread. 

Day 2:
10 AM – Scrambled eggs with spinach and tomatoes.
1 PM – A piece of fruit.
2 PM – Baked fish with two rotis
5 PM – A bowl of cottage cheese with cucumber slices.
7 PM – Chickpea curry with brown rice. 

Day 3:
10 AM – Masala oats with topped coriander leaves
1 PM – A medium sized pear
2 PM – Quinoa and steamed broccoli.
5 PM – A green salad bowl of spinach, celery and cucumber slices.
7 PM – Rajma curry with brown rice. 

Day 4:
10 AM- Broken wheat porridge
1 PM – A glass of fresh fruit juice
2 PM – Grilled cauliflower with a roti and brown rice.
5 PM – A bowl of curd with salt to taste
7 PM- Mixed vegetable pulao with plain chutney 

Day 5:
10 AM- Two idlis with coconut chutney
1 PM – A handful of mixed nuts.
2 PM – Besan chilla with curd
5 PM – Tea and some crackers
7 PM- Whole grain bread with cooked zucchini. 

Day 6:
10 AM- Fresh fruit salad with honey.
1 PM – Unsweetened Greek yoghourt topped with berries
2 PM – Grilled chicken with mixed vegetables and brown rice.
5 PM – A medium sized orange or tangerine.
7 PM- Lentil soup with two rotis and salad.   

Day 7:
10 AM- Overnight oats with fruits and nuts.
1 PM – A green smoothie
2 PM – Mixed vegetables, lentil soup and brown rice.
5 PM – Greek yoghurt with a sprinkle of chia seeds.
7 PM- Plain dosa with coconut chutney.       

Day 1: 
12PM: Rajma curry with brown rice
3PM: A handful of mixed nuts topped with some honey
6PM: Grilled tandoori chicken with salad 

Day 2: 
12PM: Vegetable upma and a glass of coconut water
3PM: Curd with a spoonful of honey
6PM: Chana masala with roti 

Day 3: 
12PM: Moong dal khichdi with a bowl of curd
3PM: A medium sized Apple with a spoonful of peanut butter
6PM: Grilled fish with sautéed veggies 

Day 4: 
12PM: Poha (flattened rice) with lots of veggies
3PM: A bowl of mixed fruits with squeezed lemon juice
6PM: Paneer tikka with salad 

Day 5: 
12PM: Idli with a bowl of sambar and plain chutney
3PM: Greek yoghourt with a spoonful of honey
6PM: A bowl of Palak with two rotis 

Day 6: 
12PM: Vegetable dalia made in skimmed milk
3PM: Banana with a spoonful of almond butter
6PM: Dal tadka with brown rice 

Day 7: 
12PM: Oats idli with coconut chutney and some sambar
3PM: A bowl of mixed fruit and berries with lemon juice
6PM: Grilled fish with sautéed veggies      

During Intermittent fasting diet plan Indian its important to eat nutritious foods and beverages to get the most health benefits. The diet plan includes-

Staying fit promotes a positive attitude and enhances your lifestyle. Health should be a priority in your life. Well, you can give a try to Intermittent fasting diet plan Indian. Dt, Priyanka Jaiswal can give you the best diet plan. It will suit your eating habits.

All it simply asks is a strict and stern discipline to fasting. It follows that a simple eating pattern must be attained. Intermittent fasting is crucial for your brain health. It can cause the growth of new neurons and protect the brain from damage.

During Intermittent fasting diet plan Indian its important to eat nutritious foods and beverages to get the most health benefits. The diet plan includes-

1. Fruits:

All fruits are oranges, apples, pears, peaches, bananas, and berries are very good options.

2. Vegetables:

You should go for many green, leafy options as well as broccoli, cucumber, cauliflower, tomato, etc.

3. Whole Grains:

Don’t consume refined wheat. They do not offer many health perks. You can eat buckwheat, barley, oats, rice, etc.

4. Healthy Fats:

Skip all saturated fats. Choose oils made from coconut, olive, avocado, mustard, peanut, sesame, etc.

5. Protein:

You should go for lean protein. This is because they do not have fat. For this, you can eat poultry, meat and eggs. You can also eat seeds and nuts. Add legumes and lentils to your diet.

During the fasting period, you can have calorie-free drinks. You can have a cup of green tea, coffee , and water. These will help you stay hydrated. Avoid junk food or over-eating during eating periods.

Intermittent fasting diet plan Indian is a very famous weight-loss method. It will help you live longer with a healthy life. There are several ways to follow intermittent fasting. Some methods include fasting during certain hours each day. Other methods only require you to fast on certain days of the week. Results will vary. If you’re interested in starting an intermittent fasting diet plan Indian then it’s safe and healthy for you.

If you are starting with an intermittent fasting diet plan Indian then start with a modified schedule. Stay hydrated with healthy drinks. Eat slowly and frequently at the time of eating foods. Try healthy food and stick to a healthy diet full of protein and fruits, vegetables.

Intermittent fasting benefits include


    • Intermittent Fasting Benefits Include

    • weight loss and fat burning

    • longer life span

    • protection against certain diseases

    • improved insulin resistance

    • cellular repair

    • hormonal balance

you can very easily manage your calorie intake by following Intermittent fasting diet plan Indian. Intermittent fasting India is a safe way to lose weight. It is good for health, and will adopt a healthier lifestyle. This method is safe to follow for adults, it is advisable to consult dietician before attempting the diet.

This is crucial if you have underlying health conditions.

Intermittent fasting is not good for women who are breastfeeding and pregnant. You should avoid eating junk food. Intermittent fasting diet plan Indian is a cycle of eating and fasting. Its vital to eat healthy food, so that even if you are in fasting you will feel good.

Intermittent fasting diet plan Indian is an effective weight loss plan. you can follow this diet plan and ensure to stay healthy permanently. You can easily prevent chronic disease by following this diet plan. Intermittent fasting has lots of proven health benefits such as weight loss, disease prevention, reduction in inflammation, improved blood sugar levels and brain function. More importantly, it can increase both the quality and longevity of your life.

Follow Intermittent fasting diet plan Indian and experience the result. Your diet plan will work for you. The diet plan offers dynamic health benefits and you will surely live a healthy life by following this diet!

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Frequently Ask Questions ( FAQ’s)

1. What should I eat during intermittent fasting in India?

Intermittent fasting diet plan Indian includes fresh fruits and vegetables for daily vitamins and minerals. It is having moderate fat, moderate carbohydrate, and high protein. You can go for whole-grain cereal, millets, and fiber-rich fruits. These will help to lose weight.

2. What is a good menu for intermittent fasting?

Avocado has highest-calorie fruit while trying to lose weight. Fish and seafood, cruciferous veggies such as Potatoes, Beans and legumes, Probiotics, Berries.

3. Can I slim my stomach in 7 days by intermittent fasting ?

You can skin your stomach in seven days with an appropriate balanced diet combined with exercise. This diet must be calorie deficient. So that the calories you burn are greater than those you consume.
Moreover, this causes weight loss. Eventually, you’ll notice your body after weightless and nicely reduced body fat.
How to lose weight in 7 days?
There are several ways to lose belly weight in seven days. You have to be on a strict calorie-deficit diet plan. In addition to this, you have to avoid certain foods. These foods include junk foods, deep-fried food, and baked and sugary foods. Moreover, foods rich in carbohydrates and trans fats must also be avoided.

Such changes in diet are complemented by certain lifestyle changes like regular exercise at least twice a day. Then you will notice weight loss within a week.

Furthermore, consuming fat, burning beverages like herbal tea, green tea, ginger tea, and oolong tea also helps. In addition to this, you can switch to low-fat dairy instead of regular.

Reducing weight in just a week is quite a big goal. Therefore, you require consistency and patience throughout.

4. What is a 5:2 diet plan for weight loss?

The 5:2 diet is a type of intermittent fasting. It involves eating normally for five days of the week and restricting calorie intake to 500- 600 calories for the remaining two days. In these two days, foods low in calories are consumed. This creates a calorie deficit and promotes weight loss. 5:2 diet plans are advices and framed by dietitians and nutritionists.

5. How much fat can you burn with 12 hours intermittent fasting?

Based on the metabolism which may differ or vary for each and every person, good amounts of fat loss can happen with intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting of 12 hours will work towards burning belly fat by boosting metabolism naturally.

6. What are some tips to stay motivated while following the intermittent fasting meal plan?

When it comes to staying motivated, it is crucial to set clear and real goals. You can find a fasting schedule that works for you. Remember to stay hydrated for best results. Add some physical activity in your routine. It will help you lose calories fast. This will keep you motivated and help you get quick results.

7. How can I manage hunger pangs during the fasting window?

To manage hunger pangs, you can try drinking water, herbal tea, or having low-calorie snacks. You can try cucumber or carrot sticks. It is also helpful to keep yourself busy with activities to distract from hunger. All this can help you lose weight during the fasting window in an Indian intermittent fasting diet plan.

8. What are some common mistakes to avoid while practising an Indian intermittent fasting diet plan?

There are a number of common mistakes that you must avoid during an Indian intermittent fasting diet plan. It is overeating during the eating window. In addition, not staying properly hydrated is also another mistake. All this will lead to not getting enough nutrients from your meals. Thus, you must have a balanced diet even during the eating window.

9. How long does it typically take to see results with the Indian intermittent fasting diet plan?

The Results you get can vary from person to person. But typically you may start noticing changes in your energy levels and overall well-being within a few weeks. This is so, if you are consistently following the Indian intermittent fasting diet plan.

10. What are some sources of good fats in the Indian intermittent fasting diet plan?

In the Indian intermittent fasting diet plan, there are several sources of good fats that you can incorporate into your meals. Some examples are nuts and seeds like almonds, walnuts, flaxseeds, and chia seeds. You can eat Avocados. Use Olive oil, coconut oil, and ghee for cooking. You can eat Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines. Add them to your Indian intermittent fasting diet plan.


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