7 tips that help to detox your lungs

Increase the longevity and improve the function of lungs. Follow these 7 tips that help to detox your lungs. Get healthy lungs and body with us!


Quit smoking

It is the foremost way to improve lung health. Smoking damages your lungs. So, quitting is the best thing you can do for them.


Avoid exposure to pollutants

Make sure you are not exposed to secondhand smoke. Other than this, keep a mask on while on roads to avoid air pollution


Stay active

Regular exercise helps improve lung function. It can help you with healthy breathing. Workouts can increase lung life and function.


Practise deep breathing exercises

There are a number of deep breathing exercises you can do. It can help expand your lungs and clear out toxins.


Stay hydrated

Drinking plenty of water helps keep your respiratory system moist. Staying hydrated ensures well functioning lungs.


Eat a balanced diet

Your diet should have foods that are rich in antioxidants. You can eat fruits and vegetables, to support lung health.


Maintain good indoor air quality

The quality of air you breathe is important. Keep your living space clean and well-ventilated. It should be free from allergens.

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