How Aman Sehrawat Lost 4.6kg In 10 Hours ?

How Aman Sehrawat Lost 4.6kg In 10 Hours ?

Aman Sehrawat took zero chances. So as to fall in the weight limit which was 57 kgs, Sehrawat lost 4.8 kgs.

All this weight loss in a span of 10 hours. He weighed 56.9 kgs for his match with Rei Hugichi.

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He started off with a mat wrestling session with his coaches. Followed by this, a good hot bath for an hour.

By 12:30 in the night, aman had a non stop run on the treadmill for an hour. All that sweating was worth it.

After a 30 minute break, he got five sessions of a five minute sauna bath. Still, he weighed 900 grams more than the limit.

For which, he got a massage and started jogging again. Followed by this, he had 15 minute running sessions. After which, he weighed 56.9 kgs by 4:30 am.

Amidst all, he was given lukewarm water. It had lemon and honey. By drinking this, he had minimal calorie intake. So, this is how aman sehrawat loss 4.6 kg in 10 hours.

Read All about the weight loss Diet to Help You Out

Read All about the weight loss Diet to Help You Out