Why is 1st month Post Bariatric surgery diet is so Important?

post bariatric surgery diet

Post Bariatric Surgery Diet

Get through your bariatric procedure with the best post bariatric surgery diet. It can help you in this crucial period of your life. The meal plan will not only help you lose weight but also manage your health. It has the best foods combined to make beneficial meals.

What is a post bariatric surgery diet?

This bariatric diet after surgery is a carefully planned eating plan. It can help your body heal and adjust to the changes made during surgery. It is designed to help you lose weight, manage your health, and prevent complications.

This diet usually involves several stages. It starts off with a liquid diet and gradually progresses to solid foods. Here, you can learn all about it and make informed choices.

The purpose of a post bariatric surgery diet:

This gastric bypass diet is designed to serve the following purposes:

  • The diet helps your stomach and intestines heal from the surgery. It prevents complications like leaks or infections.
  • The bariatric diet after surgery helps avoid rapid emptying of the stomach. This is because it can cause nausea, dizziness, and diarrhea.
  • The diet ensures you get enough nutrients. Since your body’s ability to absorb them may be affected after surgery.
  • Moreover, this diet makes sure you lose weight and do not gain it back.
  • It can help you eat smaller portions of food and develop lifelong healthy eating habits.

Liquids in a 1st month Post Bariatric surgery diet:

You must be very careful about what you eat within the initial weeks of your surgery. Thereby, you will only be allowed to have fluids. They must be easy on the gut and full of nutrition. Some liquids that you can have in your 1st month bariatric surgery diet are:

  • Unsweetened fresh fruit juice
  • Skimmed milk
  • Broth
  • Soups
  • Sugar free gelatin

Blended foods that you can eat:

After a while, you can transition to blended foods for best results. You can strain them or boil them such that they have the consistency of a smooth paste.

The gastric bypass diet must include 3-6 meals in a day. Each meal must have 5-6 tablespoons of blended foods.

You can choose solid foods to blend like:

  • Cottage cheese
  • Eggs
  • Soft fruits
  • Cooked or boiled vegetables
  • Fish
  • Cottage cheese
  • Cooked cereal

6 best whole foods for a post op bariatric surgery diet

The food you eat, make the most of a male plan. Therefore, you must make sure that you are eating the right foods that serve your goal. Here are six best foods for a bariatric diet after surgery:

●     Lean Protein: 

Lean protein can help you feel full and stop overeating. It is the best nutrient to support muscle growth. 

●     Leafy Greens:

Greens are packed with nutrients and fibre. Moreover, being low in calories makes them the best food for a post bariatric surgery diet.

●     Berries: 

Berries can fuel your body with fibre in minimal calories. They are loaded with antioxidants and can be a sweet treat for you.

●     Avocado: 

This creamy fruit is a good choice when it comes to healthy fats. It can keep you full and is good for heart health.

●     Salmon: 

Salmon is good for heart health and brain function. It is also a good source of protein. You can add it to your Post op Bariatric surgery diet.

●     Eggs: 

Eggs can give your body protein. It is a good choice to eat after bariatric surgery.

6 Worst foods that you must avoid

There are certain foods that you must avoid when following a post op bariatric surgery diet. These foods can interfere with your healing and progress altogether. They have no nutritional value and thus must be avoided. Here are 6 worst foods to avoid in a bariatric diet after surgery:

1. Sugary Drinks:

They can spike blood sugar levels and lead to weight gain along with multiple other health issues.

2. Fried Foods: 

They are high in calories, fat, and sodium, which can be hard to digest after surgery. So, avoid them.

3. Processed Foods: 

Avoid them along with all other junk foods in your bariatric diet after surgery.

4. Red Meat: 

Red meat is high in saturated fat and can be hard on your gut to digest.

5. Dairy Products: 

Full-fat dairy products are high in calories and fat, which is a red flag.

6. Alcohol: 

Alcohol is bad for your health and  it can be dehydrating. Moreover, it can mess up with your healing process.

A sample post bariatric surgery diet

This is just a sample meal plan, you can get your personalised meal plan from a dietician!

Breakfast (7:00 AM):

* 1 cup plain yogurt with berries and chia seeds.

* 1 boiled egg with a slice of whole wheat toast and a small side of vegetable curry.

Mid-Morning Snack (10:00 AM):

* 1/2 cup mixed almonds, walnuts, cashews.

* 1 small apple, pear or banana.

Lunch (1:00 PM):

* 1 cup lentil soup (dal) with some brown rice.

* 1 cup mixed greens salad.

Afternoon Snack (4:00 PM):

* 1 cup plain yogurt with a small handful of mixed nuts.

* 1 small piece of fruit.

Dinner (7:00 PM):

* 1 cup grilled fish or chicken with a side of steamed vegetables.

* 1/2 cup brown rice or a whole wheat roti.

Before Bed Snack (9:00 PM):

* 4 unsalted crackers with milk.

Lifestyle management with a post bariatric surgery diet

Lifestyle management after bariatric surgery is crucial for long term success. You can start with:

Slow eating:

You must chew your food properly and take your time to eat. This can help you with easy digestion and save you from feeling full quickly.


Drink a lot of water before and after meals so as to avoid overeating. It is one of the most effective strategies so far!

Protein focus:

Your post bariatric surgery diet must have protein-rich foods. Protein can help you with your muscle maintenance.

Limit sugary drinks:

You must cut back on sugary drinks in this meal plan. It can lead to weight regain and multiple nutrient deficiencies.

Fiber intake:

You must slowly increase your fiber intake with a post bariatric surgery diet. For this, you can eat fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. It is good for your gut health and digestion.

Avoid high-fat foods:

Say bye bye to fried foods, fatty meats, and processed foods. They must not be a part of your Post op Bariatric surgery diet.

Regular exercise:

You must go for at least 30 minutes of exercise daily or atleast 5-6 times a day. It will not only help you manage your weight but also improves your cardiovascular health.

The results you can expect from a post of bariatric surgery diet:

You can expect to see significant weight loss with this diet. This diet is good for controlling your blood sugar. It can reduce the risk of heart disease. Moreover, you can expect increased energy levels. The post bariatric surgery diet can also help you with any nutritional deficiencies that you may have developed due to obesity. All you have to do is stick to your healthy eating habits and lifestyle.

Frequently asked questions:

  1. Question:
    What should be my early morning drink after a bariatric surgery?

    You can drink water in the 1st month Post Bariatric surgery diet. It is crucial for your healing. As the time passes, then you can drink herbal teas or lemon water with your meal plan. They have many other health perks.

  2. Question:
    Can I eat desserts on a Post Bariatric surgery diet?

    Desserts can be tricky after bariatric surgery. You can eat low-sugar, low-fat options. For example, a small portion of sugar-free sorbet or a single-serving of sugar-free pudding could be okay.

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