1200 Calorie Diet Plan for Quick Weight Loss

1200 calorie indian diet plan

You are just one step away from following a 1200 cal Indian diet plan. This tight plan is the top not solution to your health and weight problems. You can get rid of excess weight on your body with it. It is good for your overall health. The aim of this diet plan is to introduce 1200 cal in your body in one day. This will keep you from gaining weight. It is the best way to lose weight and have your dream body. The 1200 cal Indian diet plan has easily available foods. They will be good for your health as well as your taste buds.

What is a simple1200 calorie Indian diet plan?

A 1200 calorie chart is a very simple diet plan. It has all types of Indian foods. It has a total of 1200 calories per day. This means that the food in it will make up 1200 cals in one day. Having this plan will reduce your calorie intake. It will lead to weight loss.

1200 Calorie Indian Diet Plan

The 1200 calorie Indian diet for an adult is a calorie-restricted meal plan. This is how it works for weight loss. In this, the breakfast is with a morning cup of tea. Breakfast is the most vital meal of the day. So, try not to skip it! You can begin your day with a glass or milk or even buttermilk with cereal like oats or a slice of bread along with a slice of paneer or a protein packed cheela.

Purpose of this diet plan:

The purpose of a 1200 calorie Indian diet plan is all rounder. It can help you lose weight in a sustainable way. You can notice your progress within the first few weeks. This plan will make you slim. It will help you choose healthy Indian foods. This makes the plan easy to follow.

1200 calorie Indian Vegetarian Diet Plan

The 1200 calorie Indian vegetarian diet plan will go very well and the result will definitely effectively be depending on the food you eat. You can get good calories from healthy carbs, fats and  proteins. They are crucial for your body.

Calories are the energy that comes from the food. This is the source of affecting your weight and you can surely manage it by following a diet plan. Vegetarian protein sources include dals, beans, soy, paneer, cheese etc. Flaxseeds, cinnamon, brown rice, papaya, curd, melon, lentils, tomatoes, and almonds are the top foods for weight loss.

Low calorie diet plan will fill you up amazingly, so you will not crave food more. One of the most essential aspects of weight loss is cutting your calorie intake.

People who should follow 1200 calorie diet plan:

●      People who want to lose weight

This diet plan is effective for people who want to lose weight. It can help in weight loss. This is because it is low in calories. It includes foods that have fewer calories.

●      Sportspeople and athletes

Athletes who want to lose weight can follow this diet plan. It helps them to keep their calories in check. This diet prevents weight gain.

●      People with medical conditions

People with a number of medical conditions can follow this diet. Diabetes and heart diseases often require such a diet.









Milk -1 cup Bread-1 Egg-1 (whole) Butter-1/2 tsp




















Mid-morningFruits-1 portion








Chapattis-2 Moong dal-1 katori Vegetable-1 katori Dahi-1 katori Oil-1 tsp
























Evening snack Green tea Biscuit-1




Cereal Sugar

20 5

66 17






Chapattis-2 Masoor dal-1 katori Vegetable-1 katori Oil-1 tsp




















Bed time




Grand total








Printable 1200 Calorie Indian Diet Plan PDF

Oats are high in fibre and protein. This will help to reduce hunger, increase stomach fullness and improve appetite control.

Greek yoghurt is rich in protein. You will feel less hungry if you consume it.

Soups are low in calories and it reduces the calorie intake in your body.

Berries are high in fibre and pectin. This will keep your tummy full. It is low in calories.

Eggs are filled with protein and make a superb low-calorie breakfast.

Fish is high in protein, that will increase feelings of fullness and minimise appetite and hunger.

Lean meats are high in protein, that would reduce calorie intake and hunger.

Watermelon has high water content. The low calorie present in watermelon will improve the fullness of the stomach.

Following Low calorie diet plan does not define that you will feel hungry between meals. You should eat foods that are rich in protein. It can help to minimise hunger. This will be an easier way to lose weight.

How does a 1200 calorie diet plan work for women?

A 1200 calorie Indian diet plan is safe for women. It can help in faster weight loss. This plan is effective for women who are trying to lose weight.

Different women have various calorie needs. They are based on a number of factors. Age, height, weight, and activity level.

Women can follow this plan to lose fat. The duration of the plan can vary. It has all low calorie foods. Calculate their calories for the plan. You can see a nutritionist for this. They can give you a meal plan. It will help you.

What to eat in a 1200 calorie diet plan?

The main focus of the diet plan is boosting metabolism rate. This will help you burn fat. Keeping a track on what you eat will largely help you lose weight. Indian vegetarian diet chart can help you to give you a healthy lifestyle:

1.    Colourful veggies

Add all the colourful veggies to your 1200 calorie Indian diet plan. These veggies will make you healthier. Your vegetable basket must have tomatoes, carrots, beetroots, onions, red cabbage, pumpkin and radish. They  are good  for you. You will notice betterment in your cholesterol, BP, sugar etc.

2.    Foods with fibre

Eat more fruits and vegetables to get fibres. Fiber rich foods are- Pear, blackberries, apple, Spinach, broccoli, guava, raspberry, banana, green peas, coconut, orange, carrot, apple. Fibre content is the vital part in helping you to lose weight.

3.    Pulses

Eat pulses which are rich in protein. They are- lentils, beans, peas, horse gram.

4.    Cereals

Eat cereals for carbs. They can be a good part of your diet.

Cucumber and tomatoes, vegetable soup, tofu, almond milk, oat, pumpkin seeds, sprouted moong are the best foods for a 1200 calorie diet plan. Avoid high calorie foods like deep fried foods, fruit juices, etc.

A 1200 calorie diet plan more often leaves you starving. To manage hunger pangs it is suggested to eat fruits like banana, apples. Choose food that offers good sustaining power. plain Greek yoghourt with fresh fruit is very good for this diet plan. By having a healthy proportion of foods you can easily lose weight. A 1200 calorie diet plan is more like a way to help you lose fat fast. You can start your healthy diet journey today. It does fit for men and women both.

This diet plan includes potential benefits of a healthy lifestyle and it is good for long-term weight loss. This is the best strategy for weight loss. You must follow it for a week or a month. When you eat low calorie food every day, you will surely lose weight.

Top 10 vegetables for a 1200 calorie diet

 You can include some veggies in your diet for natural results. They are:

1. Spinach:

Spinach is not only a green veggie but also a green flag. It is high in fibre. Spinach can help with weight loss. There are so many ways to get it into your diet. 

2. Broccoli:

Broccoli is a total green flag for weight loss. It is good for your health. All because of the nutrition it contains. 

3. Cauliflower:

This vegetable is a good option. It can help in fat loss. You can eat it. It is a great choice.

4. Cabbage:

Cabbage is low in calories. This makes it an excellent choice. Make sure you add it in 1200 calorie diet plan.

5. Carrots:

Carrots have many benefits. Eating them is a good choice. It can help you with weight loss.

6. Bell peppers:

Bell peppers are some colourful veggies. It is a good option to fill your tummy. You can add it for good results.

7. Tomatoes:

Tomatoes are low in calories. You can add them to salads. They can help with weight loss.

8. Zucchini:

Zucchini is high in fibre. It can help digestion. Being fat free, you can add it to your diet. It can help you with weight loss.

9. Green beans:

Green beans are another fat free vegetable. They contain many nutrients. Being high in fibre, it can help digestion. They are a good choice for fat loss.

10. Asparagus:

Asparagus is free from bad fats and calories. You can eat it for weight loss. It has various nutrients. Therefore, it is a useful option.

Low calorie fruits to lose weight

Fruits are a vital part of a fat loss diet. They have minimal calories. Therefore, you can eat them in this diet. Fruits keep you full and healthy.

●      Watermelon:

Watermelon has high water content. You can eat this for a low calorie diet. It can help in weight loss.

●      Strawberries:

Strawberries have natural sugars without any calories. They have high fibre. You can eat them in a 1200 calorie diet plan. They can help in weight loss.

●      Grapefruit:

Grapefruit is low in calories . It has  vitamin C. You can help your hunger by eating this. It will not give you many calls.

●      Papaya:

Papaya is low in calories. It has a number of nutrients. You can eat papaya for weight loss.

●      Kiwi:

Kiwi is low in calories. It can help you lose weight. This juicy fruit is a good option for your cravings.

●      Honeydew melon:

It is another low calorie fruit. In addition, it has high water content. You can eat it daily. It can help your cravings.

Fluids you can drink to lose weight

Fluids play an important role in diet. They keep you hydrated. It is important to choose the best fluids. You can drink these fluids for a low calorie diet.

●      Water:

Drinking a lot of water is important. This can help in weight loss. It can flush out toxins. Moreover, drinking water controls hunger. It can keep you full.

●     Green tea:

Green tea is rich in antioxidants. It does not have cals. Therefore, green tea can help burn fat.

●     Black coffee:

Black coffee is low in calories. It can help in fat loss. Black coffee can burn fat.

●     Vegetable juice:

Vegetable juice is full of healthy perks and has Zero calories. This is a good choice for weight loss. Drinking this can fill you. It will reduce hunger.

●     Coconut water:

Coconut water is free from sugar and cals. It is a good choice of drink for a fat loss diet. You can drink it.

●     Herbal tea:

Herbal tea has a number of benefits. It can also help to burn fat. This leads to weight loss.

Benefits of a 1200 Calories Deficit Plan

The best thing about a weight loss 1200 calorie meal plan is that there are no limitations. You can eat all the healthy foods in it. It is simple to follow.

  • It is easy to follow and adapt
  • This diet can help people with any health issues
  • When you take fewer calories than you burn, it helps in weight loss
  • This diet offers a wide range foods that will please your taste buds
  • You can use many different cooking methods
  • The diet overflows with nutrition
  • It is designed by experts for full results!

Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQ )

Q1. How much weight will I lose if I eat 1200 calories a day?

1200 calories a day is a famous calorie restriction diet. If you are wondering how much weight you will lose if you eat 1200 calories a day, then you can lose one to two pounds per week.

Q2. What can I eat for 1200 calories a day?

You can eat low calorie foods in a 1200 calorie meal plan. With this, you can eat fruits and  berries too. They do not add any cals to your diet. In addition, you can drink low calorie drinks too. It can be herbal teas or any healthy drink.

Q3. Can I drink milk if I want to lose weight?

Yes, you can drink milk for weight loss and muscle gain. Milk has many vitals that your body needs. To stick to your diet you can go for skimmed milk. It is totally fat free and can help you get fast results.

Q4: What are some healthy snack options for a 1200 calorie Indian diet plan?

There are a number of snack options for this plan. Healthy snack options for a 1200 calorie Indian diet plan are fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. You can also choose low fat yoghurts. Different snacks can be prepared by them. It will help in weight loss.

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