7-Day Diet to Lower Triglycerides

7-Day Diet to Lower Triglycerides

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7-Day Diet to Lower Triglycerides

Get an easy peasy solution to your high cholesterol with a 7-day diet to lower triglyceride. They are natural substances in the body. But as it is well said that excess of everything is bad, you need to watch out. The main cause of this issue is the food you eat. With this 7-day diet to lower triglycerides, you will see the changes with your own eyes. So, do not sleep on this!

What are Triglycerides?

Triglycerides are a form of fat. It gives energy to the muscles and fat cells. When you eat more calories than you burn, your body gets energy. Extra energy stores in fatty tissue. So to get rid of it, you must eat low cals with good workout routine. When triglycerides release through your bloodstream to cells it burns as fuel. Remember that too much extra storage of fat may lead to heart disease and diabetes. Too much triglycerides may reinforce due to excessive stress, consumption of too much alcohol, obesity, smoking, lack of physical activity and if you are diabetic. Give yourself some time to follow Diet for triglycerides.

What are Healthy Levels?

There are different ranges of levels for people of different age groups. It is all explained here.

For adults

In case of adults, triglyceride levels fall under:

●      Healthy/ normal

Below 150 mg/dL

●      Borderline high

Ranging from 150 and 199 mg/dL

●     High

Ranging Between 200 and 499 mg/dL

●      Very high

Above 500 mg/dL

For teenagers  (10- 19 years)

In case of teenagers and adolescents, these levels fall under:

●      Healthy /normal

under 90 mg/dI

●      Borderline high

Ranging between 90 to 129 mg/dl

●      High

over 130 mg/dl

For children (under 10 years)

For children who are under ten years, triglyceride levels are:

●      Healthy /normal

Under 75 mg/dl

●      Borderline high

Ranging from 75 to 99 mg/dl

●      High

over 100 mg/dl

Reasons Behind Triglycerides

  • Poor diet is the major reason for triglycerides.
  • Taking a lot of carbs such as sugar.
  • Another source is alcohol as it is the reason for high triglycerides in the body.

Read this content to know about a 7-day diet to lower triglycerides. you should follow

We make a number of choices to eat food every day. Your diet plays a major role to offer you a healthy life. A high saturated fat diet, added sugars, refined carbs may increase your triglycerides levels. On the contrary a diet which has good fats, and lean proteins is the key. It will keep you fit and triglycerides In check.

You can get your very own 7-day diet to lower triglycerides. Dt, Priyanka Jaiswal will help you to guide you with this diet plan.

Foods to lower bad Triglycerides in your body

These foods will help to lower triglycerides. They are as follows-

●     Oily fish-

Oily fish has omega-3 fatty acids. Such fats are good for the heart. The human body can not make it on its own. Thus, you need to get it from food.

●     Vegetables-

You can get soluble and insoluble fibres from them. They are crucial for triglyceride. Fibre slows down the absorption in the body. It, in turn, keeps triglycerides low in your blood.

●     Fruits-

Fruits are good for your heart. This will keep a healthy check on your weight. Being low in fat, you can manage your cholesterol with them. Gaining weight may increase the risk of heart disease. You should add some berries too.

●     Low-Fat Dairy-

You can go for dairy which is fat free. Add skimmed milk to your diet. It has all the nutrients but is low in fats. This can help boost healthy triglycerides and lower The bad ones.

●     High Fiber Whole Grains-

Whole grains can help clean up the arteries. It is due to the fibre content they have. You must have them in your diet for best results.

●     Healthy Fats-

You should eat foods that have good fats. This is vital for a good diet. For this, you can cook food in olive oil. You can eat seeds and  nuts too. They are good for the heart and the body.

Weight plays a vital role on triglycerides. If you are obese, then you must have this issue. To get rid of this, we got your back! Without a second thought go for a 7-day diet to lower triglycerides.

All 25 Foods to Lower Triglycerides are

25 foods to lower triglyceride

1.   Oat

Oats have a lot of fibres. Fiber- rich foods take time to digest, so this will prevent a spike of blood sugar levels, minimise release of triglycerides and develop an essential triglycerides diet.

2.   Cauliflower

contains fibres and it has less carbs. Hence, this can be added to your diet.

3.   Blueberries

Blueberries have a lot of fibre. It has low sugar.

4.   Spinach

They are rich in vitamins and are known to lower triglycerides. You can make it in egg omelette, stews and salad preparation.

5.   Bananas

They have a lot of good carbs. It will fulfil your sugar cravings.

6.   Strawberries

These little berries can help your fitness in the long run.

7.   Broccoli

This will help your triglycerides. You can simply roast it. So, add it to your diet plan.

8.   Cabbage

It is a good way to get vitamin K. It is way too healthy. So, add it to your diet.

9.   Salmon

It has many perks. This will boost your health. It will take your cholesterol to normal.

10.                 Sardines

It has omega3, fatty acids, proteins and calcium. All of them are vital for the body.

11.                 Olive oil

It has healthy fat and antioxidants. You can add it with salad or vegetables.

12.                 Beans and legumes

They are excellent sources of protein and fibre. You can have it regularly.

13.                 Avocado

This fruit has good fats in it. It can help you manage the blood sugar level and lower triglycerides.

14.                 Brown rice

This will help to reduce triglycerides, adding it in your meal plan will be beneficial.

15.                 Citrus fruits

They can boost the HDL in the body. They have soluble fibre. It can cleanup the fat from your arteries. Hence, giving you a healthy body.

16.                 Nuts

You can eat nuts in your diet. They have good fats. You can get fibre and omega-three fatty acids. They will reduce triglyceride levels.

17.                 Green beans

They are known as string beans. It has less sodium and a maximum number of fibres.  This will keep your heart healthy and manage your triglyceride levels.

18.                 Low-fat dairy

You must go for dairy that is fat free. It will have all the nutrients. You can drink skimmed milk.

19.                 Quinoa

It is a gluten-free grain. It has high nutritional value. With this, it can lower triglycerides

20.                 Barley

Add the grain to your diet. It has a lot of perks with which you can get lower triglyceride levels in your body.

21.                 Arugula

Arugula is a fat free vegetable. It’s rich in vitamins and reduces triglycerides. This will block the fat deposition in the liver and prevent fat going to the bloodstream.

22.                 Kale

It is a fat free veggie. You can add kale in soup and vegetables.

23.                 Brussels sprouts

It’s a good source of nutrient vegetables that can reduce triglycerides.

24.                 Raspberries

These berries do not have any fat. They have many perks for a healthy body. So, you can add it to your diet.

25.                 Fish

You can get omega3 fatty acid from fish. It plays a vital role in reducing triglycerides.

With this, you need to avoid some foods. They are:

  • Starchy vegetables
  • baked beans with sugar/pork
  • too much of fruits
  • canned fish
  • alcohol
  • coconut
  • starchy foods
  • honey/maple syrup
  • sugary drinks
  • baked goods
  • high fat meat
  • butter/margarine.

Do Triglycerides Matter?

High triglycerides will lead to unhealthy condition called metabolic syndrome. It will lead to illness like-

  1. Low HDL “good” cholesterol
  2. High blood pressure
  3. Belly fat
  4. High blood sugar

Metabolic syndrome majorly increases your chances of getting you to heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. During a 7–day diet to lower triglycerides eat the right fat such as avocado, walnuts, chicken without skin, and olive oil. Say NO to trans fats that are present in French fries, crackers, cakes, chips etc.

Instead of red meat eat fish. Eat fish twice a week. Replace burger and steak with fish. Choose Salmon, mackerel, herring, lake trout, albacore tuna, and sardines. These are all high in omega-3s.

Include Walnuts, Flaxseeds, Spinach, Kale, Brussels, sprouts, Salad, Greens Beans in your diet. By adopting a 7-day diet to lower triglycerides You will be able to minimise triglycerides.

Convert your habits by eating the right food and follow a 7-day diet to lower triglycerides.

Even if your triglyceride level is normal, you can follow a 7-day diet to lower triglycerides under the guidance of Dr., Priyanka Jaiswal to avoid any future health issues. By following a High triglycerides diet, you will be sure that you will be healthy.

Diets types that can lower triglycerides

A wise man once said, “You are what you eat”

Nourish your body with good food. It will end your struggle with high triglyceride. Choose the right kind of food that would lower tgem. We can provide the best diet tips that can help with high levels of triglyceride.

●     High Fibre Diet 

A high-fibre diet has fruits, vegetables and good snacks. All of them are rich in fibre. Furthermore, a diet rich in fibre has:


You must eat high-fibre fruits in your diet. For best results eat:







You can eat:





bitter gourd



You can eat:





bitter gourd


They are all high in fibre content. Furthermore, their consumption reduces the triglyceride level in the blood.

Whole grains:

This category includes barley, oats and brown rice. They can make an amazing breakfast while managing your triglyceride.

●     Low Carb Diet

This diet has food items with a low amount of carbs. It has good carbs that your body needs. This makes it good for the high triglycerides in your blood.


You can eat low carb fruits in it.  Such as strawberries, watermelon, plums, kiwi etc.


Almost all veggies are low in carbs. You must eat them in any diet plan. They will help you get fast results.

Lean meat:

Lean meat is free from unhealthy fat. This can be included in a low-carb diet and will benefit triglyceride levels. This includes chicken breast, turkey, duck, goose and other bush birds.

Other ways to reduce triglycerides

1)   Physical Activity and Exercises

Move your body for about 30 to 45 minutes every day. It reduces triglycerides in your body. Physical exercises will boost healthy cholesterol.

Try going for a jog or a walk daily. You can even join a gym to lose fat.

2)   Reduction of sugar intake

Sugar and food made up of sucrose increase triglyceride levels. So, you need to watch out for those sweet treats.

3)   Cut down on alcohol

Drinks can raise the triglycerides in your blood. Therefore, you must watch how much you are drinking.

4)   Beverages to reduce triglycerides

A list of drinks that can help to reduce triglycerides is given below:

  • Green tea
  • Coconut water
  • Tomato juice
  • Berry smoothies
  • Soya milk

Health Benefits of 7-day diet to lower Triglycerides

One positive health solution leads to another. 7-day diet to lower triglycerides offer you the benefits that will cost less and more result. Its natural, effective and safe. This diet plan will give other health benefits too. Your heart health will improve immensely. This way you will have less stress and your cardiovascular health will improve. Following 7-day diet to lower triglycerides will literally change your life. The truth is that leading a healthy lifestyle is what will ultimately put an end to your worries and concerns.

7-Day Diet chart for Triglycerides

1. Sunday

Breakfast: Oats with chopped fruits

Lunch: Vegetable and lentil soup with two rotis

Snack: A banana and almonds.

Dinner: 2 Roti / chappathi.+ mattar paneer subji 1/2 cup.

2. Monday

Breakfast: Mix veg Upma 1 cup+ 1 skim milk

Lunch: 3 Chappati+ 1/2 cup cluster beans subji+ Fish curry(100g fish) 1/2 cup + salad.

Snack: A boiled egg and fresh fruit.

Dinner: 2 Roti / chappathi+Ridge guard subji 1/2 cup.

3. Tuesday

Breakfast: 2 Roti / chappathi+Ridge guard subji 1/2 cup.

Lunch: 1/2 cup rice+ 2 chapatti + Soya chunk curry 1/2 cup+ Ladies finger subji 1/2 cup + salad

Snack: 1 cup Papaya

Dinner: 2 Roti / chappathi.+ mattar paneer subji 1/2 cup.

4. Wednesday

Breakfast: a bowl of Dalia with chopped fresh fruit.

Lunch: Veg pulav with soy chunks 1 cup+ 1/2 cup tomato curry + 1 cup Low fat curd + salad

Snack: Walnuts.

Dinner: 2 roti/ Chapathi+ Ladies finger subji 1/2 cup.

5. Thursday

Breakfast: Poached eggs on whole grain toast.

Lunch: 3 Roti+1/2 cup salad + Fish curry ( 100 gm fish)+ green chutney

Snack: Fruit salad and low fat yogurt.

Dinner: 2 Roti / chappathi.+ Tomato subji 1/2 cup.

6. Friday

Breakfast: Whole grain toast and a hard-boiled egg

Lunch: 3 Roti+ Fish curry ( 100 gm fish).

Snack: 1 sliced cucumber and carrot salad

Dinner: 2 Roti / chappathi.+ Tomato subji 1/2 cup.

7. Saturday

Breakfast: Methi Paratha 2+ 1 cup low fat milk

Lunch: 1 cup rice+ chicken curry 200 gm chicken+ 1 cup cucumber salad.

Snack: 1 cup moong dal sprouts salad + 1 cup lemon water

Dinner: 2 Roti / chappathi+Ridge guard subji 1/2 cup.

Foods to Avoid if you want to Lower Triglycerides

●     Sugars

Simple sugars can be a red flag for you. Read food labels to avoid fructose. This is because it can raise your triglycerides. Having too much sugar in your diet will leave you with a lot of fat.

Look out for foods that have maltose listed as the first ingredient

●     Refined grains

Refined grains can raise your triglycerides. So, instead of white bread  you should go for brown bread. Do not have much pasta, sugary cereals or instant rice.

●     Junk food

You should stop munching on junk food. From pizza to fries, they all have bad fats and carbs. It can raise your triglycerides. They can also lead to many other health issues.

●     Bad fats

Saturated fats are a big NO NO. To avoid them, stop eating fried foods.

Final Words

People should reduce triglycerides by changing their eating habits. People should avoid saturated fats, sugars and refined carbohydrates. Whole grains and fish oil will help to reduce triglycerides. The best solution to this to follow 7-day diet to lower triglycerides. By changing in your food habits, you will surely lead a healthy life. Hence, people diagnosed with high triglycerides should contact immediately to a dietician to ger a health solution naturally.

This is how you will able to triglycerides quickly. 7-day diet to lower triglycerides plan will give you a healthier you. You will experience a noticeable drop in triglycerides. you will not struggle more to reduce your triglycerides. The solution is safe, easy and natural by adopting 7-day diet to lower triglycerides. When it comes to high triglyceride levels you really are what you eat. Diet for triglycerides is the number one contributor to reduce triglycerides. Many health conditions can be corrected with 7-day diet to lower triglycerides. As triglycerides can be a good thing for our bodies, we have to be careful while taking any diet plans. Triglycerides are fats that are bodies store by combining a sugar molecule and dietary fats. Watch the amount of fat you are consuming in your meal. Don’t eat foods rich in high calories.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. 1. How can I lower my triglycerides in 7 days?

    Eat a clean diet. Do excersies daily for best results. Do not eat fast food and fried foods.  Drink fat free drinks. You must follow a 7-day diet to lower triglycerides,you will get the best result.

  2. 2. Can triglycerides be reduced in a week?

    Yes, you can reduce triglycerides in a week. It depends on what causes your triglyceride levels. You can just lower them by following a 7-day diet to lower triglycerides.Limiting some foods and by cutting off alcohol and sugar can bring your triglycerides low in a week.

  3. 3. What is the fastest way to lower triglycerides naturally?

    Avoid carbs for fast results. Don’t consume sugar and foods made with white flour. Instead of eating meat, choose plant-based fats. Eat fish high in omega-3 fatty acids instead of red meat.  Fish like mackerel or salmon are high in it.

  4. 4. Is it possible to lower Triglyceride naturally?

    Selecting healthy, unsaturated fats in place of trans fats, reducing carbs intake and added sugars, and exercising regularly can help lower your blood triglycerides naturally. A 7-day diet to lower triglycerides will help you with this naturally.

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