Low Fat Diet – Best Diet Chart For Low Fat

Low Fat Diet

Low Fat Diet is basically recommended to people for treating heart diseases and diabetes. consuming too much of fat, can lead to increased levels of cholesterol, and also increases the risks of heart diseases.

While dieting still remains a mystery subject, dieters all across the globe are always on the look out for fast and effective ways to shed their undesirable body weight. In this pursuit, one diet that has always remained a true, tried and tested dieting plan – the Low Fat Diet.

If you are seriously thinking of starting the Low Fat Diet, although the longevity of the diet is in itself a testament of the diet’s power, it is always advisable to know bout the diet in details and its pros and cons. Before you start the Low Fat Diet, it is always good to understand the different food groups, and how body fat and all different fats work in the body.

Understanding Body Fat

Fat is an essential component that is very critical for the body’s metabolism, which includes the proper functionality of our immune system and the hormones in our body. Human body fat is of two types:

  1. Essential fat
  2. Fat stored in our body

If the human body exceeds the average fat level, then it can pose great risks to our health. However, you must also understand, that low fat levels can also impair our health. Usually, our body needs to store some amounts of fat, that can be used, whenever there is a need.

low fat diet chart

low fat diet chart for weight loss works by reducing calories through the intake of foods that you eat. This has also found to be very effective in improving the digestive symptoms. In general, such a diet is usually prescribed to treat digestive issues. Apart from it, there are many other health benefits that you can reap with the low fat diet chart , like:

  • Improve your normal health
  • Weight loss
  • Decreasing the risks of developing heart diseases
  • Get relief from gastrointestinal symptoms

Low fat foods

A low fat diet plan does not have to include foods that do not have any fat at all. Low fat foods are the ones that help you limit the fat intake in your diet, by cutting the same down, and not necessarily, remove fat from your diet. It includes foods that have lesser or limited amount of fats. This helps in the body’s fat burning process and also prevents our body from further storing more fats.

Low fat foods that you need to take on a low-fat diet plan are:

  1. Fiber rich foods like fruits, cereals, and vegetables. These foods are rich in valuable nutrients and low in fat. These foods help you stay away from hunger by keeping you full for longer and prevents you from unwanted binging on snacks and meals.
  2. Protein rich foods like fish, salmon, chicken, oatmeal, bean, and more. These foods are very effective in burning fats from our body.
  3. Healthy fats like olive oil, walnut, avocado, chia and flax seeds, peanut and almond butter, and ghee.
  4. Dairy such as low-fat milk, low-fat cheese, and yoghurt.
  5. Vegetables like carrot, broccoli, cabbage, Bok choy, beetroot, spinach, kale, radish, cucumber, squash, bitter gourd, bottle gourd, eggplant, and cherry tomatoes.
  6. Fruits such as apple, pineapple, avocado, orange, plum, peach, lemon, lime and sweet lime.
  7. Beverages like green tea, herbal teas, black coffee, and water. Take fresh juices and smoothies without any added sugar.

Eating these low-fat foods and keeping a check on the daily food intake are evident in maintain optimal health, and also attain your goals of shedding the extra body weight.

A Low-fat diet chart

A low-fat diet is typically a diet that restricts the daily intake of dietary fats from all animal and plant sources. In a normal low-fat diet, 15% of the total calorie intake should come from fat, which is considered low.

The principles on which a low-fat diet works is very distinct. These are:

  • All the foods in the diet plan are to be taken in specified amounts and according to the tolerance levels.
  • All cooked foods are to be prepared without any addition of butter and other fats.
  • All visible fats from meat and meat products are to be trimmed before they are cooked and consumed.
  • Four or more servings on breads and cereals, and four or more servings of veggies and fruits must be included each day.
  • A good source of Vitamin A like dark green vegetables, yellow fruits and other vegetables must be included every other day.
  • Breakfast preparations with low or non-fat milk should be included, as it adds vitamins, minerals, proteins, and the much-needed calories and are also low in fat.

A basic low-fat diet chart should be like:

Breakfast:       Fruits, Cereals and Beads, Eggs, Milk Beverages, and some Sweets and Fats.

Mid-Morning: Some milk beverage.

Noon:              Soup, Breads and Cereals, Meats, Vegetables, Fruits, Milk, and some Fats.

Dinner:            Salads, Starchy Veggies, Breads and Cereals, Fruits, some Fats, and Beverage.

Bed Time:       Non-Fat Milk Beverage.

High cholesterol low fat diet includes oat meal, fresh fruits, you should avoid alcohol, eat more nuts and seeds. In this diet you can have Soluble fiber that lowers cholesterol by preventing reabsorption of bile in your gut, which leads to the excretion of bile in the feces. Your body pulls cholesterol from the bloodstream and make more bile. Diets high in trans-fats, saturated fats, and cholesterol raises cholesterol. Indian diet to reduce cholesterol and triglyceride –

  1. Grains – rice, roti, poha, murmura, oats etc.
  2. Pulses / legumes – dal, sprouts, sattu, besan etc.
  3. Vegetables – green leafy vegetables, potato, yam, carrot, gourds etc.
  4. Fruits.
  5. Milk and it’s products – paneer, curd etc.
  6. Fish/ Chicken/ Meat.
  7. Egg.

Low fat diet plan

A low-fat diet plan for sure is one of the best ways to promote weight loss in a healthy way. More to it, it helps in reducing your body’s cholesterol levels and achieve your health and fitness goals.

We mostly consume way too much fat in our diet, and that can be harmful. Studies conducted on the subject have revealed the many benefits of being on a low-fat diet plan. Reducing the quantum of fat in the foods we eat is not an easy subject, and mainly because most of the foods that we enjoy are very high in fats, and replacing them with more healthy options is one of the most successful and healthy ways of losing weight.

How can you do so with a low-fat diet plan?

  1. Substitute all the high fat diet foods with plenty of fruits and vegetables.
  2. Include some grains in your daily diet.
  3. Limit the intake of sweets.
  4. Drink plenty of water and keep going.
  5. Avoid the intake of alcohol or drink in small amounts.
  6. Limit the intake of other drinks that contain caffeine, like coffee and tea. Soft drinks and other fruit beverages contain a lot of empty calories and should therefore be avoided.

A low-fat diet plan is always an excellent way to regain and maintain your health. Always remember that the extra weight that you have put on \, did not happen overnight. It has taken years of eating wrong foods and practicing wrong habits. Eat the right food, drink plenty of water and stay physically active.

Frequently Ask Questions

1. What should you eat on a low-fat diet?

You should eat plant foods (such as vegetables, fruits, and whole grains) and a moderate amount of lean and low-fat, animal-based food (meat and dairy products) to help control your fat, cholesterol, carbs, and calories. When you’re shopping, choose fish, poultry, and lean meats if you are on a low-fat diet.  

2. What food should be avoided on a low-fat diet?

You should avoid foods on a low-fat diet, such as grains: Snacks that are made with partially hydrogenated oils, such as chips, regular crackers, and butter-flavored popcorn.

Dairy: Whole milk, 2% milk, and yogurt and ice cream made with whole milk, Meats and proteins, Vegetables and fruits with added fat.

3. What is low fat diet?

A low-fat diet is one that restricts fat, and often saturated fat and cholesterol as well. Low-fat diets are intended to reduce the occurrence of conditions such as heart disease and obesity. Dt, Priyanka Jaiswal will guide you about low-fat diet plan. When you are focusing to lose weight, it is crucial that you understand the things that make it easier for you to succeed. This includes following a low-fat diet plan consist of foods that have lower amounts of fats. This enables your body to burn fat. The best way to follow this type of diet is to adhere to the following guidelines. You can easily reduce fat by following the diet plan. Let your diet work for you and you will surely live a healthy life permanently!

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