Diet Chart For Hyperthyroidism : What to eat & Avoid


Diet Chart For Hyperthyroidism

Thyroid problems have become very common these days. There are many possible causes of thyroid, such as iodine deficiency or excess, pituitary disease, thyroid leakage, autoimmune disorder, etc. In thyroid, a person either gains a lot of weight or loses a lot of weight. In this blog, we get to know everything about Hyperthyroidism, its causes, diet chart for hyperthyroidism, how we can cure it naturally and much more.

So, let’s start with clear understanding of the term “Hyperthyroidism” and then about the best diet chart for hyperthyroidism

It is a disease caused by overactivity of the thyroid gland. Its hyperactivity leads to overproduction of T4 and T3 hormones. The excess production of these hormones in the body uses more energy than required. This is called hyperthyroidism and is found more in women than in men. The thyroid gland is found in the middle of a person’s throat, which releases hormones to regulate your body’s use of energy. This disease is more common in women. Therefore, this situation is very important to control.

In other words, if your thyroid gland is overactive and makes more thyroid hormone than your body needs, it causes hyperthyroidism. .

Hyperthyroidism symptoms

It is important to understand that how we can rectify if someone is suffering from hyperthyroidism before knowing the diet chart for Hyperthyroidism:

1. Sensitivity of the skin, sudden feeling of extreme cold or excessive heat.

2. Excessive dryness of the skin.

3. Very rapid weight loss.

4. Change in your voice.

5. Feeling of swelling in the throat.

6. Excessive appetite.

7. Muscle weakness.

8. Pain in the joints.

9.Irregularity of menstruation.

10. Hair loss.

11. Too much stress.

12. Rapid heartbeat.

13. Lack of sleep.

14. Increase in blood sugar.

15. Nausea and vomiting.

To get rid of hyperthyroidism, it is necessary to follow a completely right diet chart for hyperthyroidism. It can be controlled with the help of an ideal diet plan.

Hyperthyroidism causes

1. Too much iodine is found in the body.

2. Tumor in the ovary.

3. Tumor in the thyroid gland.

4. Excessive functioning of thyroid nodules.

These are some of the main reasons due to which hyperthyroidism disease occurs.

Best Food for Hyperthyroidism Diet

Strawberry, Blueberry and Raspberry (diet chart for hyperthyroidism)

Berries are such fruits in which a lot of antioxidants are present, which strengthen our immune system. Therefore, they must be consumed.

Cruciferous Veggies

Cruciferous veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, etc. belong to the goitrogen family and they reduce the thyroid hormone produced by the thyroid gland. If possible, they should be eaten raw or cooked as a vegetable.

Vitamin D and Omega-3s for Thyroid Health

Earlier there was no direct relationship between vitamin D and thyroid, but one study found that the level of vitamin D was very low in hypothyroid patients. That is why now doctors also recommend taking vitamin D if you have thyroid. To get Vitamin D, you can include following foods in your diet chart for hyperthyroidism

  • Salmon (a type of fish) – This gives you a dose of omega-3 fatty acids along with vitamin D which keeps you healthy.
  • eggs
  • mushroom
  • For omega 3 you can consume walnuts, olive oil and flaxseed.

Protein rich diet

Weight loss due to hyperthyroidism is a common problem, so taking a sufficient amount of protein can ensure that your weight remains accurate. For which, you can inculcate below mentioned food in your diet chart for hyperthyroidism,

  • Meat, Mutton, Chicken
  • Lentils, chickpeas, soybeans
  • Beans and Nuts

Green vegetables and their juices

Nutrient-rich green vegetables or their juice reduce the function of thyroid. Therefore, you should consume cabbage, spinach, etc on a regular basis.

Zinc Rich Foods

Zinc is an essential element for body functions. Your body may lack it due to hyperthyroidism. Therefore, you should include these things in your diet-

  • cereals, bran, multigrain cereals
  • wheat germ
  • spinach, pumpkin seeds
  • pomegranate, avocado
  • Soybean
  • fish, chicken
  • Crab, Lobster

Green Tea

Green tea can be a good choice to add in your thyroid diet plan. Being enriched with anti-thyroid properties, green tea is best to inhibit the excess production of hormones by the thyroid gland.


Gourd or bottle gourd juice can be included in the food. Research done on this topic has revealed that the periplogenin element present in bottle gourd has antithyroid properties. This property can reduce excess thyroid hormone. In such a situation, gourd can be beneficial in hyperthyroidism.


Consumption of eggs can be safe for both hypo and hyper thyroid. However, it is better to consult with your dietician in case of a doubt in your mind about what to eat in thyroid, then egg can be a good option, but keep in mind that you do not consume the white part of the egg.


Hyperthyroid patients can also consume gooseberries. Actually, according to a research published on the website of NCBI, amla can improve the problem of hyperthyroid. Apart, benefit on the liver has also been seen due to the hepatoprotective properties present in it. In such a situation, if we talk about a diet to prevent thyroid, then gooseberries can be a good option.

Non-iodized salt

Those who are suffering from hyperthyroidism, it is advised to use non-iodized salt in your diet. Iodine intake can increase hyperthyroid problems.


Since ancient times, it is to be said that basil contains medicinal values and is used as a medicine. It can also be beneficial for the thyroid. Filled with the goodness of anti-thyroid properties, basil can regulate hormone levels due to which it is better to consume basil leaves or basil tea every day.

Food to Avoid in Hyperthyroidism (Diet chart for hyperthyroidism)

Now, its turn to know about what not to be eaten in Hyperthyroidism.

Hyperthyroidism iodine rich foods

If you are fighting a problem related to hyperthyroidism, then it is important to avoid excess intake of iodine-rich food. However, deficiency of iodine can also be dangerous; in this case, consult with your dietician to get a personalized diet chart for hyperthyroidism.

Foods to which you are allergic

If you eat something that you are allergic to, it can make your hyperthyroidism symptoms worse. Due to which you may have difficulty in breathing, skin rashes, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea. If you suspect a food allergy, you may have some suspected food items, such as – dairy products, corn, soy, wheat gluten, artificial food additives.

Whenever you exclude a food item from your diet chart for hyperthyroidism, keep in mind that you consume the nutrients you get from it in other ways.

For example: If you do not take dairy products, there can be a lack of calcium in your body, so you should take fortified rice, almond milk and seafood. Similarly, instead of wheat gluten, you can take gluten-free starches, gluten-free oatmeal, brown rice and sweet potatoes.

High Glycemic Carbs

Thyroid disorders can affect your carbohydrate metabolism and sugar control. But, since carbohydrates are the source of your energy, you can’t afford to be careless with them. However, to maintain the right level of your blood sugar, you can limit the consumption of high-glycemic sources from your diet chart for hyperthyroidism.

Therefore, you should eat less flour, white bread, potatoes, sugar, rice, etc. Instead, you can eat barley, oatmeal, brown bread, whole-grain pasta, and lentils.


Caffeine increases the symptoms of hyperthyroidism, so you should take less caffeine-containing things, such as-

  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Cold drink
  • Chocolate
  • Dairy Products


Consumption of full cream milk is not good for your diet chart for hyperthyroidism. Milk and other dairy products contain traces of various growth hormones and penicillin which put extra pressure on the human hormonal system.

Note: However, it is also a fact that dairy products also have many benefits, so it is important to consult your dietician or nutritionist about how much to consume or not to consume. Because it cannot be considered as the best food for hyperthyroidism.

Red Meat

Red meat such as pork, beef, lamb, which are high in cholesterol or saturated fat, should be avoided. By doing this, the symptoms of hyperthyroidism decrease in you and the swelling in the throat due to hyperthyroidism also decreases.

Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil

Hydrogenated vegetable oil is used in many commercially prepared food items. They contain trans fats which damage the good cholesterol and worsen the symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Therefore, minimize the consumption of cookies, donuts, margarine, pie crusts, etc. sold in the market.


Drinking alcohol disturbs the energy level of the body, due to which the problem of sleeping associated with hyperthyroidism increases even more. Along with this, the risk of osteoporosis also increases in patients with hyperthyroidism. Therefore, either leave alcohol completely or limit its consumption very much.

Other dietary tips for diet chart for Hyperthyroidism

If patients of hyperthyroidism take the following diet, then it is possible to get rid of it and it can be controlled.

  • During this you will have to take the advice of a doctor for medicine
  • Along with this, you must eat green vegetables in the food
  • Include walnuts in your diet chart for hyperthyroidism  
  • Consumption of fish and eggs is very important
  • Eat Cauliflower, Broccoli and Cabbage cooked properly, do not eat them raw
  • Dry fruits can be consumed
  • Follow hyperthyroidism diet plan accurately
  • Do it every morning with a lukewarm drink
  • Breakfast- Poha, Oatmeal, Oats, Fruits
  • In the food of the day – take 2 rotis, green vegetables, lentils, salad and buttermilk
  • In the evening – have biscuits or soup with tea
  • Dinner- Take 1 to 2 rotis, vegetables, and lentils
  • While sleeping- warm milk
  • Include healthy fats in your daily diet
  • Do not drink water immediately after eating or drink water while eating
  • Consult a dietician before consuming vitamins and minerals
  • Avoid the excess intake of spicy food
  • Avoid consuming foods or beverages that are high in sugar
  • Adopt a healthy routine and exercise regularly

The Need of a Dietician in Hyperthyroidism

To consult and be in touch with a dietician or nutritionist is really helpful during this problem as dieticians are specialists who always recommend suitable foods according to our health conditions. So, there’s no harm however beneficial than you think, if you appoint a dietician and discuss your regular condition during this disease.

Dieticians help you to fight with the situation mentally as well and motivate you to treat hyperthyroidism naturally. Hyperthyroidism in pregnancy can be more dangerous one always needs someone to take care of their regular intake habit to take control of the situation.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I get rid of hyperthyroidism with diet?

Yes, it is undoubtedly the best way to get rid of hyperthyroidism with diet (diet chart for hyperthyroidism). A healthy diet will help you in fighting this disease and increase your immunity as well.

2. How to manage hyperthyroidism with diet?

A good and healthy diet chart for hyperthyroidism is the best remedy to eliminate this disease. A recommendation will fulfill your required nutritional values and make you feel better from inside. 

3. How to lose weight in thyroid?

Change the diet and must consult your dietician about your thyroid diet for weight loss. Take regular exercise or yoga. Continue taking the medicines prescribed by your dietician regularly at the right time.

Is banana good for thyroid patients?

Yes, bananas can be considered as the best fruit for hyperthyroidism. However, it is better that a person should take advice personally from their dietician or nutritionist about this once, so that it can be clear whether it is right or not.

Can Caffeine Be Harmful to My Diet Chart for hyperthyroidism?

Yes, consumption of caffeine can prove to be harmful in thyroid problems. It has been revealed in research that caffeine reduces the TSH hormone (Thyroid S).

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