Indian Diet Plan for High Creatinine Patients

Diet Chart for High Creatinine Patient

Diet Chart for High Creatinine Patient

We all have creatinine in our blood. It is an important part of our muscle and is produced in our bodies at a fairly constant rate depending on our body mass. It is spontaneously formed as a cyclic derivative and is normally filtered out of out from the blood by our kidneys. Although a small or negligible amount of creatine is actively secreted by the kidneys into the urine, increased levels of the same in the blood could be an indication of problems in our renal functions. Diet chart for high creatinine patient will give you the resolution.

Exactly what is creatinine?

what is creatinine?
what is creatinine?

In a layman’s language, creatinine can be explained as a byproduct or simply a waste product that is produced from the natural wear and tear of our muscle mass. As said earlier, we all have some amount of creatinine in our bloodstream, ad all of it majorly depends on our age, gender, body size, and to some extent our race. Diet chart for high creatinine patient can give you health solution easily.

It can also be said that creatinine is our body’s chemical waste found in the blood that is filtered by our kidneys and eliminated via the urine. It is quite normal to have this waste byproduct, due to our normal functioning of the muscles. In simple words, the more muscle you have, the more creatinine your body produces. The levels of creatinine in the blood of a person reflect two things:

  1. The amount of muscle a person has, and
  2. His or her amount of kidney function.

Why are high levels of creatinine bad for your health?

high levels of creatinine bad for your health

It is the role and responsibility of our kidneys to maintain our blood creatinine levels in the normal range. It won’t be wrong if we say that creatinine acts as an indicator of our kidney functionalities. But, elevated levels of creatinine in our blood signifies that our kidneys have impaired functionalities, or you may be suffering from some sort of kidney disease.

Due to some reason or the other, if your kidneys have impaired reason, the creatine in the blood rises, and this mainly happens because your kidneys are unable to properly clear the same out. Therefore, high levels of blood creatinine are a warning of possible malfunctioning or failure of your kidneys.

There may be many reasons for developing high blood creatine levels apart from impaired functioning of your kidneys like intake of too much protein, intense exercise, and/or the use of certain medications or supplements. Simply understanding, higher levels of blood creatine is a clear indication sign, that your kidneys are not filtering the blood effectively.

Having high blood creatine levels may not be life-threatening, but it indicated that you may face some serious health issues, like any chronic kidney disease. But above all, you must also know that your diet and lifestyle play a major role in the control and cure of high blood creatine levels.

Your Diet and Blood Creatine Levels

Dietary factors can play a major role in determining your blood creatinine levels. If you have any or more of these symptoms then you must immediately look into your diet and consult an expert healthcare provider:

  • Felling continuously fatigued
  • Muscle cramps
  • Feeling nauseate with vomiting
  • See changes in your urination like frequency, pain, blood, and foaminess
  • Swelling around your ankles and feet, and
  • Puffiness around your eyes

If you have higher levels of creatinine in your blood, you can effectively reduce the levels by making certain dietary changes, and follow Diet chart for high creatinine patient such as:

1. Reducing Your Protein Intake

It is a proven fact that cooked red meats can increase the levels of creatinine. These meats are muscle tissues that naturally contain creatine and creaking creatine further adds to the creatine levels.

If you need more proteins in your diet that go for vegetable sources like beans, peas, and alike and not for meats and fish.

2. Increase Your Intake of Dietary Fibers

Intake of more dietary fibers has a range of health benefits including managing your blood creatinine levels. Studies also advocate those dietary fibers help in lowering creatinine levels in patients suffering from chronic kidney diseases. Go for plant foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and seeds.

3. Avoid Getting Dehydrated

levels of blood creatine may rise when you are dehydrated. Dehydration can show with feeling thirsty, fatigued, and dizzy. Severe dehydration could be life-threatening and can put heavy strains on your cardiovascular and other vital body systems.

Drinking plenty of water all through the day is one of the best ways to always stay hydrated. Ongoing dehydration could also be a sign of kidney malfunctioning or injury. If you are into intense exercises and drink too little water/fluid, you may be risking damaging your kidneys.

4. Control / Lower Your Salt Intake

Salt and salty foods contribute to high blood pressure, and foods like processed foods, are usually loaded with phosphorus and sodium, which further can cause renal / kidney diseases. Always focus on having more unprocessed foods and natural foods, and use more spices and herbs to flavor your food.

Indian diet chart for high creatinine patient

Although medical science advocates that no diet can cure blood creatinine levels, it is an important fact that no one can deny that diet plays an important role in managing high blood creatinine levels.

The focus of an Indian diet chart for high creatine patients works on the following goals:

  1. Decrease the workload on your kidneys
  2. Keep the important parameters responsible for the higher levels of creatinine such as potassium and phosphorus within the normal range
  3. Cater to your daily needs of nutrients that your body needs to keep you energetic and do not make you feel weak or starved

It is important to know that following a healthy Indian diet chart for high creatine patients helps in keeping your kidneys healthy and managing the conditions better. Here is a list of a variety of Indian foods that consists of your Indian diet plan and will help you manage your high creatine levels.


apple, Papaya, Guava, Berries, Watermelon, Peach


Cabbage, Cauliflower, Carrot, Onion, Leafy vegetables, Eggplant


Wheat products, White rice, Pasta

Pulses and Legumes:

Chickpeas, Arhar dal, Bengal gram, Toor dal

As already mentioned, diet plays a major role in treating all kidney diseases including high blood creatine levels, you must make sure that all your meals are low in sodium, potassium, and phosphorus, and keep control of your protein intake, so that your kidneys do not get overloaded. Just to ensure that you do not exaggerate or overload your kidneys, keep a check on your fluid intake also and avoid all kinds of processed and packaged foods.

Diet chart for high creatinine patient

Our kidneys are small-sized organs in the body, but perform some of the most critical bodily functions, including filtration of the blood, regulating the blood pressure, maintaining electrolyte balance of the body, and producing urine. But, when they fail to work proficiently, the food wastes, toxic elements, and fluid start accumulating inside the body. Hence, we must maintain a healthy and well-balanced diet chart for high creatinine levels.

A typical diet chart for high creatinine levelsplays a vital role in incurring damaged kidneys. Here are the basics on which a typical diet chart for kidney patients is prepared by experts:

  • Avoid too high in potassium foods like bananas, kiwi, avocados, mangoes, cantaloupe, oranges, and papayas.
  • Avoid foods containing high amounts of phosphorus that affect the overall functionality of your kidneys.
  • Protein is important but should be limited to the amounts to reduce the pressure on the kidneys.
  • Cut down considerably on the amounts of sodium intake.
  • You should also keep a watch on your water/fluid intake. Too much could put heavy pressure on your kidneys.
  • For breakfast, eat foods like vermicelli and stuffed Indian bread or rotis. These foods are rich in nutrients and provide your body with the much-needed energy without putting much pressure on your weak kidneys.
  • If your blood creatinine levels are high and you do not suffer from diabetes, you can consume rice for lunch. You may also consume chapatti or other Indian bread but in limited amounts. You may also go for freshly cooked homemade vegetables.
  • You must avoid all kinds of foods that contain high levels of potassium, phosphorus, sodium, and, protein.

Some of the best foods that you can consume with high blood creatine levels or kidney diseases:

1. Cauliflower

Cauliflower is rich in nutrients like Vitamin B, C, and K. Moreover, cauliflower has anti-inflammatory properties and is very low in sodium, potassium, and phosphorus.

2. Blueberries

Blueberries are boon to mankind. They are loaded with the richness of many nutrients and antioxidants and protect us against many adverse health conditions like diabetes, heart diseases, and even cancer. They prove to be one of the best foods for renal patients, and are very low in potassium and, phosphorus.

3. Garlic

Garlic is a great flavoring agent and is one of the best substitutes for salt. It is loaded with the goodness of Vitamin B6, C, manganese, and other anti-inflammatory qualities.

4. Onions

When it comes to a good renal diet, onions act as great taste enhancers. With the richness of B Vitamins and manganese, onions hardly have any potassium, sodium, and phosphorus.

Always remember that anything and everything that we eat and drink has a direct impact on our kidneys. It is thereby very important that whatever diet you choose with high blood creatine levels, you must consult an expert dietician, who understands your conditions, your unique requirements, the stage of the disease you are in, and if there are any underlying health conditions that you have and needs to be addressed.

List of fruits to reduce creatinine level

Fruits are an important component of diet. They can satisfy your sugar cravings. Fruits are rich in nutrients and vitamins. You can choose these fruits to reduce your creatinine levels:

1)   Guavas

Guavas can help support kidney health and overall function. They are packed with antioxidants. You can eat guavas to help your creatinine levels.

2)   Apples:

Apples are high in fibre and antioxidants. People with high creatinine levels must eat it. It is good for overall health.

3)   Watermelon

It is a water rich fruit. Watermelon can flush out excess salts and toxins. Therefore, it can wash out creatinine from the kidneys and be a good option for people with high levels.

4)   Pears

Pears are a fibre-rich fruit. They can help improve kidney function and ensure its health. Pears can lower creatinine levels and must be eaten by patients.

5)   Peaches

Peaches reduce creatinine and ensure kidney health. They are low in protein and improve kidney function.  

Include these seven vegetable in a creatinine patient diet chart

Make yummy meals with these seven vegetables in your diet chart. They will not help to lower your creatinine levels.

1)   Cabbage:

Cabbage is high in vitamin K and vitamin C. It can help to reduce inflammation in the body and is good for high creatinine.

2)   Red bell peppers:

Red bell peppers are packed with vitamins A, C, and B6. They can help people with high creatinine levels.

3)   Garlic:

Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties. It may help to reduce creatinine in the kidneys. This vegetable helps to reduce inflammation in the kidneys.

4)   Cauliflower:

Cauliflower is high in fibre, vitamin C, and folate. People dealing with high creatinine levels must include it in their diet.

5)   Onion:

Onion is high in quercetin. It is an antioxidant that may help to reduce inflammation in the body. They are good for lowering creatinine levels in the body.

6)   Eggplant:

Eggplant is high in fibre and antioxidants. It can help people with high creatinine.

7)   Cucumber

Cucumbers are a water rich vegetable. They are high in fibre. Therefore, they help to flush toxins including creatinine out of the body. People with high creatinine can include it in diet.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) :-

1. When to worry about Creatinine levels?

The creatinine level varies from person to person in different age groups. The average Creatinine level in men is 0.6 to 1.2 mg per decilitres, and in women is 0.5 to 1.1 mg per decilitre. In teenagers, it should be 0.5 to 1. 0 mg/dl, and children should have 0.3 to 0.7 mg/dl. An increase in creatinine level can be fatal. On the other hand, the decrease in creatinine level is also
harmful. If its level is low, the person is malnourished. It will lead to severe weight loss, and the person will be ill for a long time.
Specific symptoms may indicate the severity of the condition. It includes frequent urination, pain while urinating, foaming in urine, bleeding, muscle cramps, nausea, and swelling in the legs. In addition, suppose you already have disease like diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid, or autoimmune diseases. In that case, you may have an increased creatinine level. 

2. What is the best way to manage Creatinine?

·    Avoid any supplements that contain Creatinine. 
·    Control protein intake and salt intake
·    Include fiber-rich food in the diet 
·    Eat seasonal fruits, vegetables, and whole grains
·    Sip eight to ten glasses of water daily to prevent dehydration 
·    Avoid smoking and alcohol
·    Limit the usage of pain killer medicines

3. Can creatinine level go back to normal?

Yes, creatinine level can go back to normal. Sometimes there is a temporary increase in creatinine level. Following proper treatment, a diet chart for high creatine patients and lifestyles is necessary. Stay hydrated, avoid strenuous activity, and eat a fiber-rich diet, especially fruits and vegetables. Creatinine levels may return to normal after addressing the underlying cause.

4. What is a CKD diet plan and what is its significance?

A CKD is a chronic kidney disease diet plan. It is designed to help people with kidney disease. The diet plan also focuses on reducing the amount of waste and fluid in the body. It ultimately helps reduce the workload on the kidneys.
The significance of a CKD diet plan is that it suppresses the disease. It also controls the symptoms like high blood pressure, fluid retention, and anaemia. By following a CKD diet plan, people with kidney disease can improve their quality of life and reduce their risk of complications.

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