What you exactly need to do appendicitis diet ?

appendicitis diet

Appendicitis Diet

The appendix is a small tube (a pouch-like structure) connected to the cecum in the colon, to the intersection of the large and the small intestine at the lower part of the stomach. Though this particular part of the human body has no known distinct function, it produces certain serious medical issues like tumors, cancers, and appendicitis. Appendicitis as a whole is a very painful inflammation of the appendix and is something that requires medical attention, as it can cause serious problems if left unattended for any length of time. It is believed that defects in dietary lifestyle like low consumption of water, low consumption of fiber, and blockage in the appendicular tube, are some of the common causes of appendicitis. The appendicitis diet is a way forward to ensure that you choose the right foods to eat and have a balanced diet so that you never have to face issues with your appendix.

Appendix surgery is believed to be the most common surgery performed all over the world. But after an appendix surgery is performed, all patients need to follow an appendicitis diet. A well-balanced diet consisting of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Zinc, Omega-3, glutamine, and more. All of these foods aid in maintaining the healthy liver function, and this is what you need to recover fast.

Appendicitis prevention foods

If you have been diagnosed with appendicitis and it is at its very primitive stage, you may be lucky that your appendicitis can be treated without surgery with only diet and the use of antibiotics.

Appendicitis can easily be prevented by choosing the right foods to eat that make up for a balanced diet.

Appendicitis prevention foods that you must eat are the ones that are rich in fiber, and these include:

  • As breakfast cereals, opt for oats and wheat grams.
  • Avoid eating all-purpose flour, instead, opt for whole wheat flour.
  • Go for brown rice instead of white rice.
  • If you love sweets, satisfy your sweet tooth with fruits instead of sweets.

Avoid all foods that can cause appendicitis. Appendix foods to avoid are:

Fired foods

These are fatty foods and can irritate your digestive system.


It harms your liver and can also affect digestion.

Red meats

These contain a lot of fat and are therefore difficult to digest.

Cakes, pastries, etc.

They contain a high amount of sugar and are best if avoided.

Appendicitis foods to eat

If you have been operated of appendicitis, boosting your immune system is very important. Your body needs nutrients to recover fast. The body at such times is prone to infections and needs proper healing.

1. A diet after appendix surgery should be rich in:

  • Foods are rich in vitamin C such as oranges, guava, lemon, and more.
  • Foods are rich in zinc like avocados, blackberries, and pomegranates.
  • Foods with vitamin A such as carrots and sweet potatoes.
  • Foods are rich in vitamin D like eggs, fish, cheese, and ginger as it is important to have a healthy body.

A high-quality liquid diet consisting of juices and beverages is the best after an appendix operation diet, as it aids in easy digestion after a surgery. Fiber is a must on your plate. It is usually advised to consume soft foods during this phase.

2. Food for after appendix surgery that you can easily consume are:

  • Fresh lime in lukewarm water with honey the first thing in the morning after getting up.
  • Go for fruits and milk for breakfast along with some nuts if you like. A full milk diet is also a good option as a diet for appendix patients.
  • Take buttermilk with some steamed vegetables for lunch. You may add a couple of whole wheat roti if you like.
  • In the afternoon take some fresh fruits or a freshly squeezed vegetable juice.
  • For dinner, have some fresh vegetable salad with some homemade cheese and buttermilk.
  • Cucumber, carrot, and beet juice are really helpful for appendicitis patients.
  • Fenugreek seeds tea soothes.

3. Foods that you should avoid while on an appendicitis diet:

  • Food high in fats: High-fat foods like meat, cooked eggs, whole milk, cheese, fried foods, ice cream, and all other preparation having oil and butter are a strict no if you have been detected with appendicitis or in your post-surgery period, as these foods are difficult for your system to digest.
  • Foods with high sugar content like candies, cakes, pastries, muffins, ice creams, soda, and more.
  • All types of processed, packaged, and canned foods and drinks.
  • Alcohol.
  • Aerated drinks and other beverages with high sugar contents.
  • All types of peppers, spices, and condiments.
  • Cruciferous vegetables and beans can cause gas and bloat.
  • Any type of baked goods and bakery items that contains cereals and refines white flour.

Best fruits for appendix patients

Immune-boosting fruits in your appendicitis diet are always best in fighting all possibilities of infections in an appendicitis patient. Antibiotics are recommended for such patients until they recover, but including fruits rich in vitamin A and C, zinc, and glutamine helps in the production of antibodies, and digestion.

Fruits like apples, oranges, strawberries, lime, papaya, banana, kiwi, guava, pineapple, mango, apricots, blueberries, amla, muskmelon, and peaches are the best. These are the fruits that support great gastrointestinal health.

Diet after appendix removal

The best foods to eat for appendix removal are the ones that promote easy digestion. It is also important to eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods from all food groups. The body at such a stage needs a constant supply of nutrients to produce new cells, which is important for the healing proves and prevent any further complications.

To ensure a proper supply of nutrients, your diet must include whole grains, a variety of fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy foods, and lean sources of proteins like poultry, tofu, beans, and seafood.

Eating a well-balanced diet will ensure that your body is supplied with an adequate amount of protein, carbohydrates, and fat. Proteins support collagen production, and carbohydrates provide the much-needed energy that your body needs at such times to create new tissues and blood vessels, aft is necessary for the membrane of new cells and also aids in reducing inflammation.

Frequently Ask Questions

1. Does food make appendicitis worse?

Appendicitis cannot be necessarily prevented all the time, but the risks of developing can be reduced by following a well-balanced and nutritious diet and improving your lifestyle. People who adopt to eating high-fiber foods like fresh fruits and vegetables are less likely to face or experience appendicitis. Also, to ensure that you do not face any issues with your appendix, ensure that you avoid processed foods, excess sugar, meats, and foods that contain very little fiber.

Your appendix is a part of the liver and thus the digestive system. Experiencing appendicitis symptoms can make you feel sick in your stomach. People with appendicitis generally do not have any appetite, and eating foods can make their condition worse.

Eating foods high in fats, fried foods, sugar, and alike can inflame your appendix to rupture. If you see or feel any symptoms of appendicitis, immediately seek medical attention, since timely diagnosis and treatment are very critical with appendicitis.

 2. Can I eat dairy products after appendicitis surgery?

The answer to this question is a big NO. Dairy products should be avoided for the first few days after appendicitis surgery. It is because they can be difficult to digest and may cause discomfort. Dairy products can also lead to bloating and acidity. You can choose low fat variants after a few days of the surgery.

3. Can I eat solid foods after appendicitis surgery or should I consume fluids?

Solid foods should be avoided for the first few days after appendicitis surgery. This is because the digestive system may be sensitive at that time. A clear liquid diet is usually recommended for the first 24-48 hours. It is then followed by a gradual reintroduction of solid foods. Moreover, it is important to drink plenty of fluids after appendicitis surgery. It is to prevent dehydration and support the body’s healing process.

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