Peptic Ulcer Diet
The Peptic Ulcer Diet is quite famous nowadays. Do you know about its reasons?
Most of the people are often troubled by stomach problems. Among many stomach problems, there is also a problem of ulcer. Stomach ulcers are also known as gastric ulcers and it is a common problem. Due to the problem of stomach ulcer, sometimes the condition of the patient can also become serious. That’s why a specific peptic ulcer diet should be followed to lessen the risk of this issue.
Symptoms of stomach ulcers
Talking about the causes of stomach ulcers, medical experts believe that stress and eating spicy food increase the risk of stomach ulcers. Apart from this, there can be many other reasons, such as-
- long-term use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, aspirin, naproxen, and diclofenac
- Hl pylori infection
- poor lifestyle choices, such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and eating an unhealthy diet
- always be tense
- Due to excessive consumption of oil and spices in food
Causes stomach ulcers
Patients with stomach ulcers may experience the following symptoms. If you also have these symptoms, then take them seriously. The most common symptoms are indigestion and a feeling of pain from the breastbone to the chest. Some other common symptoms may include:
- Pain
- Difficulty swallowing food
- Feeling unwell or uncomfortable after eating
- Weight loss
- Loss of appetite
- Diarrhea
If a person experience any of the following symptoms, he or she needs immediate medical attention:
- Vomiting blood
- Having black, tarry, or bloody stools
- Persistent nausea and vomiting
Peptic ulcer is a type of wound that occurs on the surface of the stomach for which a peptic ulcer diet can help you. Actually, it happens when the acids that digest food start damaging the lining of the stomach i.e., the small intestine. At the same time, if it is not treated at the right time, it can take a more serious form. In such a situation, it is considered necessary to take care of proper diet along with treatment for its prevention. We are going to tell what to eat and what not to eat during ulcer. So, let’s quickly start with the ultimate food options for peptic ulcer diet.
Foods to eat with Stomach Ulcer

Given below is an Indian diet plan for peptic ulcer that is easily available and affordable to include in your daily routine.
1. Cauliflower
Cauliflower can be used in the problem of ulcer. Research related to this topic suggests that cauliflower contains a phytochemical called indole-3-carbinol that may exhibit anti-ulcer activity. This quality of it can protect against the problem of ulcer. It is also good for a bleeding ulcer diet.
2. Cabbage
The use of cabbage can help in preventing the problem of ulcers. In fact, cabbage juice has antiseptic ulcer properties, which can help reduce the effects of ulcers. To confirm this, cabbage juice was given to animals suffering from ulcer. Then it was found that cabbage juice can help in faster healing of peptic ulcer.
3. Radish
Including radish in the peptic ulcer diet chart can also be beneficial. Research suggests that radishes have anti-ulcer effects, which may be effective in the treatment of gastritis and gastric ulcers caused by excessive consumption of alcohol. In such a situation, along with medicine, the use of radish in the diet for ulcers can be considered beneficial.
4. Apple
Consuming apples can also be considered beneficial to get relief from the problem of a stomach ulcer diet. In addition, apples also have a gastro-protective effect, which can reduce the risk of gastric ulcers caused by the drug aspirin.
5. Blueberry
Blueberries can also be consumed for the treatment of ulcers. A study on ‘home remedies for peptic ulcers’ states that blueberries are rich in antioxidants called polyphenols, which may help protect against ulcers and reduce or reduce the healing of ulcers.
6. Raspberry
Raspberry and its juice and extracts all have the ability to prevent the spread of Helicobacter pylori bacterial infection. It is a good source of a stomach ulcer diet.
7. Black Berry
Blackberry is also considered a very beneficial fruit in terms of health. A research done on this states that black berry has been used to prevent the problem of ulcer.
8. Strawberry
As delicious as strawberries are in food, they are considered equally beneficial for health. These benefits also include prevention of ulcers and are considered as a good peptic ulcer diet. This is the reason why including strawberries in the peptic ulcer diet can be considered a good food for stomach ulcer.
9. Cherry
Consumption of cherry can also be advised in the problem of ulcer. A related research suggests that cherry fruit contains antioxidants such as flavonoids and anthocyanidins and resveratrol, which can help prevent the growth of bacteria called Helicobacter pylori, which cause ulcers. On this basis, including cherries in the peptic ulcer diet can be beneficial.
10. Capsicum
Capsicum can also be consumed as a peptic ulcer diet. In addition, it can also be effective against a bacteria called Helicobacter pylori, which causes stomach ulcers.
11. Carrot
Like radish, consumption of carrots can also prove to be helpful in preventing the problem of ulcers. It is said that the anti-ulcer properties present in carrots can work effectively in the problem of gastritis and gastric ulcer caused by excessive consumption of alcohol.
12. Broccoli
Broccoli is used for a variety of health benefits. These benefits also include prevention of ulcers. Sulforaphane present in broccoli can help prevent the growth of bacteria called Helicobacter pylori, which causes stomach ulcers.
13. Green Leafy Vegetable
Green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, kale, etc. can be included in the diet for stomach ulcers. Spinach has anti-ulcer properties, which can prove to be effective in reducing the problem of ulcers.
14. Probiotic Foods
Probiotics may also be considered beneficial for a peptic ulcer diet. Probiotics can be helpful in the treatment of ulcers by reducing the side effects of antibiotics.
Here we are talking about some probiotic foods, whose consumption is considered beneficial in the problem of ulcer. These foods are also considered good for duodenal ulcer.
Duodenal Ulcer Best Food Options
1. Yogurt
As we mentioned in the article, Helicobacter pylori bacteria is considered a major cause of peptic ulcer. At the same time, curd has the ability to prevent infection of this bacteria.
2. Kefir
Kefir also has the ability to prevent Helicobacter pylori bacteria from growing. Explain that kefir is made by fermenting milk. It looks similar to curd.
3. Miso
Miso is made by fermenting soybeans. Research on this shows that consuming it can prove beneficial for the prevention of gastric ulcer. We can consider this Miso a good gastric ulcer diet.
4. Sauerkraut
Sauerkraut is made by fermenting cabbage. Related research suggests that sauerkraut has anti-Helicobacter activity, which can help prevent Helicobacter pylori bacteria from growing. On this basis, it can be advised to include sauerkraut in the peptic ulcer diet chart.
5. Kombucha Tea
Talking about Kombucha tea, it also has the ability to inhibit the growth of Helicobacter pylori bacteria. At the same time, its anti-microbial properties can be attributed behind this. It can help in the healing of ulcer wounds. In this case, kombucha tea can also be included in the diet for stomach ulcers.
6. Olive Oil
The use of olive has also been considered beneficial for health. Actually, it contains many such phenolic compounds, which can prove beneficial for health.
7. Honey
Honey can also be included in the list of what to eat in ulcer. Explain that honey has antibacterial properties, which can help fight Helicobacter pylori bacteria that cause peptic ulcers.
8. Garlic
Consuming garlic can also prove beneficial for stomach ulcers. Research on the use of herbal medicines in the treatment of peptic ulcers has suggested that garlic has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, which can help prevent the growth of Helicobacter pylori.
9. Decaffeinated Green Tea
In response to the question of what to eat for stomach ulcers, consumption of green tea can also be advised. In such a situation, it would not be wrong to say that including a limited amount of decaffeinated green tea in the diet list for ulcers can be beneficial.
10. Mulethi
The use of Mulethi can also prove useful for ulcers. Mulethi is said to increase the secretion of mucus in the stomach. This may help prevent ulcers from forming. In addition, Mulethi has also been found to have anti-Helicobacter pylori effects, which may be helpful in fighting the bacteria that cause ulcers.
11. Turmeric
Turmeric has benefits for the skin, apart from this, it is also considered beneficial for health. The reason is the compound called curcumin present in it, which is enriched with many medicinal properties.
In addition, foods that are rich in fiber such as apples, pears, oatmeal can also be considered good fora duodenal ulcer diet.
After knowing what should be eaten with ulcer, let’s have a look at the foods to avoid with stomach ulcer.
Top 10 best fruits for stomach ulcer
Ulcers can be a troublesome issue. You need to have some good fruits in your diet. They can be a good snack or sweet option. Here are the top 10 best fruits for stomach ulcers. Get to know all about it:
1. Bananas:
Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body. They help the stomach lining to produce more mucus. This helps protect the stomach from acids. Thus, it is very useful for ulcers.
2. Apples:
Being high in fibre, apples can have a protective effect against ulcers. Plus, they are rich in flavonoids. They are compounds that show to stop the growth of Helicobacter pylori. It is a bacteria that leads to stomach ulcers.
3. Pears:
Like apples, pears are high in fibre. They can help protect your stomach. Pears have a lot of antioxidants. They can help fight the symptoms of ulcers. In addition, they can promote healing.
4. Papaya:
Papayas have an enzyme called papain. It can help in digestion. This can help soothe the stomach lining. It has anti-inflammatory properties. This may help reduce the effects caused by ulcers.
5. Blueberries:
These little berries are rich in antioxidants. It can help you with inflammation due to ulcers. They are also gentle on the stomach. Thus, they can help you and give some relief.
6. Watermelon:
It has a high water content. It can help soothe the stomach. Watermelons are rich in vitamins and minerals. Thus, this fruit can help you with your overall health.
7. Kiwi:
It is a good source of vitamin C and fibre. Thus, it can help your ulcers to heal fast. Kiwis are good for digestive health. They have natural anti-inflammatory properties that can help your gut.
8. Coconut:
Coconut has good fats. It is a good choice for ulcers. It is soothing for the digestive system. Coconut water is a hydrating drink. This can help you with your electrolyte balance. You can drink it for ulcers.
9. Avocado:
This green fruit is rich in healthy fats and fibre. It can help soothe your stomach. You can eat it for fast healing. Plus, they are rich in vitamins and minerals that are good for health.
10. Honeydew Melon:
It has a high water content. This fruit is gentle on the stomach. It is a good source of vitamin C. Thus, it can help with a faster healing process.
7-Days Peptic ulcers Diet Plan
Day 1:
● Breakfast:
Oatmeal with skim milk and fresh berries
● Brunch Snack
A handful of almonds and a pear
● Lunch:
Grilled chicken breast with brown rice and steamed vegetables
● Evening Snack:
Greek yoghourt with honey and chopped nuts
● Dinner:
Baked salmon with quinoa and roasted asparagus
Day 2:
● Breakfast:
Whole grain toast with avocado and a boiled egg
● Brunch Snack:
Carrot sticks with hummus
● Lunch:
Lentil soup with a side salad
● Evening Snack:
Apple slices with almond butter
● Dinner:
Tofu stir-fry with brown rice and mixed vegetables
Day 3:
● Breakfast:
Greek yoghourt with granola and fresh fruit
● Brunch Snack:
Trail mix with dried fruit and nuts
● Lunch:
Grilled chicken salad with mixed greens and vegetables
● Evening Snack:
Fresh berries with cottage cheese
● Dinner:
Baked sweet potato with black beans and steamed broccoli
Day 4:
● Breakfast:
Scrambled eggs with whole grain toast and sliced tomatoes
● Brunch Snack:
A handful of grapes and a string cheese
● Lunch:
Turkey and cheese sandwich with a side of fruit
● Evening Snack:
Roasted chickpeas with spices
● Dinner:
Grilled shrimp with brown rice and mixed vegetables
Day 5:
● Breakfast:
Smoothie with Greek yoghourt, spinach, berries, and almond milk
● Snack:
Whole grain crackers with hummus
● Lunch:
Vegetable soup with a side salad
● Evening Snack:
Sliced mango with cottage cheese
● Dinner:
Baked chicken with quinoa and roasted vegetables
Day 6:
● Breakfast:
Whole grain toast with peanut butter and banana slices
● Brunch Snack:
A handful of mixed nuts and a mandarin orange
● Lunch:
Grilled fish with brown rice and steamed vegetables
● Evening Snack:
Fresh fruit salad with Greek yoghourt
● Dinner:
Baked tofu with mixed vegetables and brown rice
Day 7:
● Breakfast:
Egg white omelets with spinach and whole grain toast
● Brunch Snack:
Trail mix with dried fruit and nuts
● Lunch:
Grilled chicken wrap with a mango
● Evening snack
A bowl of Green salad
● Dinner
Well cooked broccoli with a cup of cooked brown rice
Foods to Avoid in Stomach Ulcer

- fried food
- Lemon
- Hot peppers (such as black pepper, chili)
- chocolate
- coffee
- black tea
- fizzy or cola drinks
- Mustard seeds
- alcohol
- caffeinated soda
- fatty foods,
- spicy food
Dos and don’ts for a peptic ulcer Diet
Here are the dos and don’ts of a peptic ulcer diet that you need to follow:
Dos for a peptic ulcer diet:
● Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables
Include nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables in your diet to meet nutritional intake.
● Prefer lean meats
Choose lean protein sources like fish, poultry, and beans as they are healthy and suitable for a peptic ulcer diet.
● Whole grains
Opt for whole grains as they are rich in fibre and must be included in the diet. Some whole grains you can consume are brown rice, quinoa, and whole wheat bread
● Stay hydrated
Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. Consume 8-10 cups of water. Furthermore, avoid other non-acidic beverages.
● Low fat dairy
Switch to low-fat dairy products like low fat milk, yogurt, and cheese
Don’ts for a peptic ulcer diet
● Spicy foods
Avoid eating spicy foods as they may cause discomfort. Chilli peppers, hot sauce, and salsa are some of the spicy foods you should avoid.
● Acidic foods
Do not Consume acidic foods. This category includes the various citrus fruits, tomatoes, and vinegar
● Fatty foods
Do not Eat fatty foods at all. They include fried foods, full-fat dairy, and fatty meats. Such foods must be excluded from the diet.
● Smoke or use tobacco products
Quit smoking or using any tobacco products as they can largely contribute to the worsening of the peptic ulcers.
Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQ’s)
Yes, bananas can be considered good for a peptic ulcer diet. In fact, it contains antibacterial compounds, which can help prevent the growth of Helicobacter pylori bacteria that cause ulcers.
In the problem of peptic ulcer diet, fruits, juices and nuts can be consumed in the morning breakfast. However, what and in what quantity to eat in the morning depends on the health of the person. That’s why it is better to take medical advice about this.
No, cheese is not harmful, instead it is good for a stomach ulcer diet. During this, low fat cheese can be consumed in limited quantities.
No, rice is not considered good for a peptic ulcer diet. According to research done on rats, rice has ulcerogenic i.e. ulcer-causing properties. Therefore, it is better to take medical advice before consuming rice with ulcers.
Following is a specific gastric ulcer diet that can be considered.
Gastric Ulcer Diet Food Options
Lean meats like skinless poultry and lean beef
Fish and seafood
Whole soy foods like tofu or tempeh
Fermented dairy foods like kefir or yogurt
Healthy fats like olive oil, avocados, and nuts
Whole and cracked grains
Green tea
No, stomach ulcers do not go away on their own. It is important to avoid triggers such as spicy food to allow them to heal completely. It is important to have a healthy diet with anti-inflammatory foods which helps in reducing inflammation and gut swelling. This will help promote a healthy gut with good mucosal lining to prevent further ulcer formation.
Yes, peptic ulcers are relieved by food to some extent. Healthy food has the ability to buffer stomach acid to reduce inflammation. This helps in reducing acidity naturally. Continuing meals at regular times will help in reducing antacids and better recovery from peptic ulcers.
Healing of existing peptic ulcers may take 4-6 weeks with help prescribed medications from your doctor and healthy lifestyle modifications. However, there are higher chances of relapse and recurrence of peptic ulcers. In such cases, following a healthy diet for a longer period of time will help in curbing and remissioning symptoms. No symptoms due to peptic ulcer for 6 months is considered a cured case of peptic ulcer. This will help in achieving a cure for peptic ulcers.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a good diet, hydration, quitting smoking or alcohol can help prevent the occurrence of peptic ulcer. The whole idea of preventing peptic ulcers mainly involves reducing acidic foods such as lemon water, pickles, salty packaged food, and outside fast food to allow any unwanted acid formation. A healthy acid formation is necessary for the digestion of food.
There are an endless number of vitamin deficiencies caused by peptic ulcers. The major deficiency seen is certain vitamins which are Vitamin A, B, C, D, & E. Along with this, there may be a deficiency of minerals as well. This may result in multiple complications causing body pain and weakness affecting bones and joints.
Yes, stress can result in the formation of peptic ulcers. Chronic stress may result in the secretion of cortisol hormone which is also called stress hormone. This stress hormone is inflammatory in nature which may disrupt the healthy digestion and mucosal lining of the stomach. Moreover, eating acidic foods may trigger peptic ulcer formation. Ulcers may also change the pH of the stomach and gut making them more prone to bacterial infections.