7-Day Vegetarian Weight Loss Diet Plan

Vegetarian Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Vegetarian Diet Plan for Weight Loss

If anyone wish to lose weight, from various weight loss programs that can be a daunting task. The perfect solution for this to go for a nutritional change in life. You should have to give up your old food habits to lead a healthy life. Being a vegetarian does not guarantee one can automatically lose their extra pounds rapidly. For a vegetarian to lose the extra pound that they have gained over the months or years can be planned with a Vegetarian diet plan for weight loss. It defines what to eat, how to eat, when to eat.

A Veg diet plan for weight loss consists of foods that are 400 calories per day and a single snack that will be 100 calories. You can mix food and snacks together to lose your extra pounds. By following some food tips, you can easily lose weight in a week. Let’s discover some food tips that will change your lifestyle and old eating habits into a healthy eating habit.

Breakfast tips

Breakfast is the main meal in the day that encourages the body’s metabolism and provides energy to a person in getting ready for the rest of the day. Hence, it is essential to take a breakfast for everyone. If you are busy in the morning a smoothie can suit you better as you get ready for the day’s activities. Other alternative foods that you can include in your breakfast meal are freshly squeezed juice, milk, fresh fruits. Avoid high calorie foods such as, peanut butter as they are rich in high calories.

Lunch tips

For the veg diet plan for weight loss, healthy sandwiches to make a healthy that is low on calories and you can enjoy the meal to the fullest. Snacks you should avoid are potato chips, peanut butter and butter when making your sandwich.

Dinner tips

Dinner is the final meal of the day and it should not be heavy, because at night your body is less active and fewer calories are burnt. You should eat fresh fruits and vegetables that will help you to lose weight. They are low on calories. Alternatively, you can go for beans and rice. There are many kinds of beans stew that can be included in a veg diet plan for weight loss that will easily go along with pasta and rice.

Diet chart for Weight Loss for Vegetarian

In recent time vegetarianism has become gaining popularity. By going for veg diet plan for weight loss one can lower the risk of chronic diseases. This diet plan includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. These foods are rich in fiber, micronutrients, and beneficial plant compounds, and its low in calories, fat, and protein than animal foods. Several options can help promote weight loss on a Diet chart for weight loss for female vegetarian includes-

1. You should fill half of your plate with non-starchy vegetables.

Select veggies rich in high-fiber such as broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, leafy greens, and mushrooms. This will help you feel full and minimize calorie intake.

2. You should take protein at every meal and snack.

High-protein vegetarian foods are beans, nuts, seeds, lentils, eggs, dairy products, and soy foods (such as tempeh, tofu, and edamame).

3. You should include Healthy carb.

opt for carbs that include whole grains, starchy vegetables, fruits, and legumes.

4. You should watch your portions of high-calorie foods.

Pair nuts, seeds, and healthy fats are low in -calorie.

5. You should eat whole foods and unprocessed foods,

Such as whole fruits and vegetables, avoid to eat any unnecessary ingredients.

6. Avoid highly processed foods.

You should not eat, frozen meals, and other ultra-processed foods, as they are unhealthy and avoid extra salt, and added sugar.

7. By including protein in your meal,

Eating whole foods and eliminating processed foods you can easily shed your extra pounds in Vegetarian diet plan for weight loss.

7-Days Vegetarian Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Vegetarian Diet Plan – Day 1

Breakfast: Oats porridge with nut mix (1 bowl)

Lunch: Roti (1) with dal and gajar-matar sabzi/ paneer sabzi (1 katori)

Dinner: Roti (1) with dal-lauki sabzi (1 katori)

Snacks: Cucumber detox water (1 glass)/ Choice of seasonal fruit (1)/ buttermilk (1 glass)/ tea (1 cup)/ detox water (1glass)

Vegetarian Diet Plan – Day 2

Breakfast: Mixed veg. Roti (2 pc) with curd (1 Katori)

Lunch: Lentil curry (1 Katori) with methi rice (½ Katori)

Dinner: Sautéed vegetables with paneer (1 Katori) with roti (1) and green chutney (2 tbsp)

Snacks: Cucumber detox water (1 glass) Skimmed Paneer (100gm)/ choice of 2 seasonal fruits/buttermilk (1 glass)/ coffee with less sugar and milk (½ cup)

Vegetarian Diet Plan – Day 3

Breakfast: 1 glass buttermilk + 1 tsp Chia seeds with Multigrain Toast + 2 Tbsp of chickpeas Hummus

Lunch: Sautéed vegetables with paneer (1 Katori) with roti (1) and green chutney (2 tbsp)

Dinner: Lentil curry (1 bowl) with methi rice (½ bowl)

Snacks: Cucumber water (1 glass) Skimmed Paneer (100gm)/mix vegetable salad (1 bowl)/banana (1)/ buttermilk (1 glass)/ coffee with less sugar and milk (½ cup)

Vegetarian Diet Plan – Day 4

Breakfast: Fruits and nuts yoghurt smoothie (0.75 glass) and besan/

Lunch: Whole green gram dalcooked (1 bowl) with Bhindi sabzi (1 bowl) and roti (1)

Dinner: Palak chole (1 bowl) with steamed rice (½ bowl)

Snacks: Cucumber water (1 glass)/ orange (1)/ buttermilk (1 glass)/ Mix vegetable salad (1 katori)/ skimmed milk paneer (100gm)

Vegetarian Diet Plan – Day 5

Breakfast: Skimmed milk (1 glass) with peas Poha (½ bowl)

Lunch: Low-fat paneer curry (1.5 bowls) with Missi roti (1)

Dinner: Curd (1.5 bowl) with Aloo Baingan Tomato Sabzi (1 katori)

Snacks: Cucumber water (1 glass)/ Skimmed milk paneer (100gm)/ Mixed vegetable salad (1 bowl)/ Tea with less sugar and milk (1 cup)

Vegetarian Diet Plan – Day 6

Breakfast: Mixed sambar (1 bowl) and idli (2pc)

Lunch: Curd (1.5 bowls) with Aloo Baingan Tomato Sabzi (1 bowl)

Dinner: Whole green gram dal cooked (1 bowl) with Bhindi sabzi (1 bowl) and roti (1)

Snacks: Cucumber water (1 glass)/ Skimmed milk paneer (100gm)/ Mixed vegetable salad (1 bowl)/ coffee with less sugar and milk (½ cup)

Vegetarian Diet Plan – Day 7

Breakfast: Besan chilla (2 chillas) with Green Garlic Chutney (3 tbsp)

Lunch: Palak Chole (1 bowl) with Steamed Rice (½ bowl)

Dinner: Low-fat paneer curry (1.5 bowls) with Missi roti (1)

Snacks: Cucumber water (1 glass)/ Skimmed milk paneer (100gm)/ Mixed vegetable salad (1 bowl)/ Apple (1)/ Buttermilk (1 glass)

  • Vegetarian diet plan for weight loss has lots of health benefits. Green vegetables and fruits are rich in fiber- green leafy vegetables, broccoli, cauliflower, and mushrooms, can help you stay full. This will help to low your calorie consumption.
  • Foods like whole grains, starchy vegetables, fruits, nuts, pulses and beans are sample of complex carbs. These will help you feel energized and they are high in fiber, good solution for weight loss.
  • Protein foods like beans, millets, milk and milk products will help to provide you the adequate amount of protein that your body requires and works as rapid weight loss.
  • Watery fruits and veggie such as Citrus fruits, melons, squash, cucumbers and pumpkins, have high water content. These fruits make you feel full for a longer time. They are good snack options and they are low in calories. It’s a very good sample of Vegetarian diet plan for weight loss.
  • Nuts and seeds like almonds, walnuts, pistachios, and seeds such as sunflower or melon seeds, flax seeds and basil seeds would be a great snack option. They have protein and healthy fats, that will help to lose weight.

Foods to Avoid in Vegetarian Diet Plan for Weight loss

1. Refined food

Don’t eat food items made with Maida or other refined grains. They are rich in calories and have very little nutrients benefits.

2. Highly processed foods

Such as bakery products, packed foods and beverages, papads, and pickles are highly processed food items. These contain added sodium and sugar. They are highly refined and can increase calorie intake, that can lead you weight gain. A vegetarian diet does not contain animal flesh or animal products. But, dairy products, eggs and plants foods is known as a Lacto ovo vegetarian. A lacto vegetarian has only dairy products and no eggs. An ovo-vegetarian has only eggs, but no dairy products. All these kinds of Vegetarian diet plan for weight loss can quickly lose your weight. You can connect with Dt, Priyanka Jaiswal for a healthy vegan diet plan.

Frequently asked questions ( FAQ’s )

1.     Question:
What can cause faster weight loss in two weeks?

In order to achieve weight loss in two weeks, a calorie deficit diet is useful. The diet must contain all the nutrients necessary for the body. It must be low in calories and unhealthy carbs.
Additionally, an increased physical activity and changes to diet and lifestyle habits helps. Burning more calories than eating is the key to a faster and healthy weight loss. Therefore, eat less calories and work out to burn more. Stay hydrated to keep the body healthy and avoid any weakness.

2.     Question:
What can I drink on an empty stomach to lose weight fast?

Drinking lemon water on an empty stomach can help. It is a low-calorie drink that can help to hydrate the body and support digestion. Some studies suggest that drinking lemon water on an empty stomach can help to boost metabolism and promote weight loss.
You can also opt for apple cider vinegar. It has been shown to help improve insulin sensitivity. Apple cider vinegar also reduces appetite, which can support weight loss. Drinking diluted apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach may help to maximise these benefits.

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