GM Diet Chart For Quick Weight Loss


GM Diet Chart

GM Diet Chart – originally the General Motors Diet was primarily developed by the company for its employees and their families, to keep them healthy, which in turn will keep them happy and improve productivity. The GM diet is a weight-loss diet based on a 7 days low-calorie eating plan, where the diet promotes eating unlimited amounts of fruits and vegetables, drink lots of water, and completely abstain from alcohol.

While the GM diet plan was a hit and was easy to follow, it became a hit all over, and people started using the diet for quick weight loss. Although the diet plan promises many other health benefits like:

Health Benefits of GM Diet

It makes you avoid sugar:

Practically you are exposed to no sugar apart from fructose in fruits and vegetables.

Helps to detoxify your body:

Eating lots of fruits and vegetables and drinking plenty of water, and no junk food, the body flushes out all the toxins.

Promotes skin glow:

Detoxification promotes glowing skin.

Boosts metabolism:

Healthy eating coupled with a lot of water intake promotes metabolism. A high metabolism means greater calorie burn and thereby weight loss.

Improves your digestion:

Eating a lot of fruits and vegetables means consuming a lot of fiber. This improves bowel movement.

Creates a good eating habit in general:

The 7-day GM diet chart promotes eating fruits and vegetables in plenty. These foods are low in calories and high in fiber contents. This eventually promotes healthy eating habits, prevents fat from accumulating in the body, and keeps your stomach satiated for long, thereby stopping you from gorging on unhealthy foods.

The 7-day GM Diet Plan

The focus of the 7-day GM Diet Plan is to ensure that you consume complex carbohydrates and foods low in calories. This particular combination along with high water intake is the crux in losing significant weight within 7 days (week).

The idea behind this is to limit your food intake to majorly fruits and vegetables, with other foods like brown rice, and lean poultry (chicken).

 Noted below is the 7-days GM diet chart:

GM Diet Day 1 : –

On fruits. Only fruits are to be consumed, particularly cantaloupes and watermelon (no banana).

GM Diet Chart- Day 1
GM Diet Chart- Day 1

GM Diet Day 2: –

On vegetables. Any amount of raw or cooked food is allowed. If you want to consume cooked food, cook it in a very small amount of oil. You can always try boiled or roasted potato with a small amount of butter if you like.

GM Diet Chart- Day 2
GM Diet Chart- Day 2

GM Diet Day 3 : –

On both fruits and vegetables. You can eat a variety of fruits and vegetables in any amount, but remember to avoid eating bananas and potatoes.

GM Diet Day 3
GM Diet Chart – Day 3

GM Diet Day 4 : –

Bananas and skimmed milk only. Eat around eight to nine bananas and drink around three glasses of milk on day 4.

GM Diet Chart -Day 4
GM Diet Chart -Day 4

GM Diet Day 5 : –

Lean meat/ brown rice and tomatoes only. Eat around six tomatoes and round 275 gms of lean meat or one cup of brown rice.

GM Diet chart Day 5
GM Diet chart Day 5

GM Diet Day 6 :

Lean meat/ brown rice and vegetables (raw or cooked). Eat a variety of raw or cooked vegetables with 275 gms of lean meat or one cup of brown rice on this day.

GM Diet Chart-Day 6
GM Diet Chart-Day 6

GM Diet Day 7 : –

Brown rice and vegetables only. This is the last day of your 7-day diet plan and allows you to eat only brown rice and vegetables (raw or cooked) on the day.

GM Diet Chart-Day 7
GM Diet Chart-Day 7


In a way, the GM Diet Plan is a sort of crash diet that helps you lose weight fast and retains your energy levels. The way the diet is formulized makes it very easy to follow and reap the benefits, however, it is not recommended for a long period.

GM Diet Chart Indian Version

The GM Diet Plan Indian version is not very much different from what was designed originally. Although Indians do eat meat, the majority are vegetarian and hence, you also have the 7 day GM diet chart for vegetarians.

Non-vegetarians have the laxity of consuming chicken for proteins on the GM diet 5th day and the Gm diet day 6, vegetarians on the same day will have to rely on a cup of brown rice for the same.

Day 1 is all about fruits

You can consume as many and as many fruits as you wish. When to eat is not mentioned. However, fruits like muskmelon and watermelon are highly recommended, because of their high fiber contents, fruits like papaya, oranges, and apples can also be included.

Make sure you consume 10 to 12 glasses of water throughout the day. Do not starve at any time of the day. If you are feeling hungry at any point of the day, eat only fruits and drink water.

Day 2 is vegetable-only

You can eat your veggies raw or cooked as you like, but if you cook them, make sure you use no or very little oil. Even when you snack, snack on vegetables, but fried foods and chips are not allowed at all.

Vegetables are rich in nutrients that our bodies require. You not only get the necessary carbs from them but also are great sources of fiber and essential vitamins.

Day 3 is a combination day of eating fruits and vegetables

The fruits and vegetables that you eat on day 3 could be the same ones as you had with fruits on Day 1 and vegetables on Day 2. The only things that you are not allowed on this day are potatoes and bananas. Fruits and veggies provide a combined benefit of fibers and proteins for your body. Do drink lots of water (around 8 to 12 glasses). Water will help flush out the toxins from the body and detoxify it.

Day 4 belongs to consuming bananas and skimmed milk

The bananas that you were not allowed on the first three days, finally, you can have them. Bananas are rich sources of pectin, (helps in digestion), potassium, and long with milk it completes the need for much-needed calcium. Fortified with Vitamin D, milk is great for your bones and bananas provide all the energy you need. Potatoes and sweet potatoes should be avoided on this day.

Day 5 Mainly belongs to the non-vegetarians

Mainly belongs to the non-vegetarians where they are allowed to eat lean protein sources like fish and chicken, but vegetarians will need to satisfy them with brown rice. In addition, you are to consume six large tomatoes too.

Brown rice is high in fiber and aids digestion. Fish and chicken provide omega 3 and proteins. The high fiber in tomatoes aids proper digestion.

Day 6 belongs to vegetables

Belongs to vegetables (cooked or uncooked) and brown rice for vegetarians and lean protein sources like fish and chicken for non-vegetarians. This is a high food intake day relatively as compared to all other days of the week. Just ensure that the cooked vegetables are either boiled or baked and not fried. If you are making a salad with veggies, makes sure you do not load it up with heavy dressings.

Day 7 GM Diet Pan Indian

Day 7 is the last day of the 7-days GM Diet Pan Indian and you would need to eat a cup of brown rice, variety of vegetables, and fruit juices. The rice and the vegetables provide the body with the necessary energy that it needs to go through the day, whereas, the fruit juices act as detoxifying agents flushing out toxins from the body.

Being easy to follow and allowing foods that you like to eat with little restrictions, makes it a very popular and effective diet all over the world for quick weight loss. However, following the diet, you may experience several side effects that you must be aware of in advance:

  • The diet does woks in letting you shed quickly, but at the same time it is high in fiber, but low in proteins, fats, and carbs. Now, this is not good for your body, as the body does not receive all the nutrients it requires. 
  • In many cases, GM Diet has led to a metabolic slowdown. If you are trying the diet for weight loss, you may not have any difficulties initially, but it may be difficult to maintain your body weight in the long run.
  • The GN Diet has all the possibilities to lead you to dehydration, as almost all of the water you consume is used for metabolism.
  • Some of the common side effects that have been commonly reported by people on the diet are weakness, feeling fatigued, headaches, and having hunger pangs.

Experts believe that the GM Diet is a crash diet and goes against the principles of a well-balanced diet. Though the diet can bring in quick weight loss, using the diet for the long term could be damaging to your health. By focusing on the consumption of low-calorie foods and complex carb foods, guarantees weight loss but can make your body nutrient deficient at the same time. Hence, it is highly advisable to follow the GM Diet under the strict guidance of an expert and switch to a healthy lifestyle with a well-balanced diet for long-term benefits.

Frequently asked questions ( FAQ)

Question 1:
How does the General Motors Diet work?

The General Motors Diet is designed to help you lose weight quickly. It functions by restricting calories and changing your eating habits. Moreover, a general motor diet involves eating specific foods on each day of the diet. This diet helps with a quick weight loss, improved digestion, and increased energy levels.

Question 2:
What are the rules of the General Motors Diet?

The rules of the General Motors Diet include eating specific foods on each day of the diet. Another rule is drinking plenty of water, avoiding alcohol and other beverages that are to be excluded. Morphed, getting regular exercise or doing any physical activity for an hour or so is as important. These are the simple rules of the general motors diet which need to be obeyed while following the diet. It gives faster and sustainable results.

Question 3:
Can I continue to follow the General Motors Diet after the seven days are over?

The General Motors Diet is not intended to be a long-term diet plan. Therefore, it is not recommended to continue following it for more than seven days. It is suitable enough to give quick weight loss results.

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